Sennheiser HD201 vs jWIN JH-V100


Apr 2, 2003
I have both the jWIN JH-V100 and Sennheiser HD201.

The JH-V100 was free, and I did not expect much out of it.
After all the raves, I also got the HD201.

I never really put the headphones through the test since I rarely used them.
I finally got to testing both of these low end headphones.

Hands-down winner: JH-V100

Problems with the HD201:
- lack of bass
- flat on percussions
- worst of all, has a tendency on hissing ("sssssssss")

The JH-V100 distorts on high volume, but performs fantastic at mid-range.

All that said, I am now in the market for a higher-end headset.
I looked at the Sennheiser HD-595, but I am reading that it is not all that great on the bass.

Can anyone recommend me some headphones for heavy bass and percussions sounds?
My budget is up to $250, but the cheaper the better. :D
Nice little mini review on the headphones. Although I do find your conclusions on the HD201 a bit off.

They do have a lack of bass compared to higher end cans but it does still have more then a lot of cheap headphones. As for the hiss, check your source. My pair has no hiss what so ever. Also, check your EQ settings since you talked about the flatness of percussions. Now they do not have the best mids and highs on the planet but they are very far from being flat.

The one thing that you also need to remember is that without getting your source set, any high end cans will have the same problem has the HD201. I just don't want you to spend the money on really nice cans then think they do not sound good due to the source :)
Nice little mini review on the headphones. Although I do find your conclusions on the HD201 a bit off.

They do have a lack of bass compared to higher end cans but it does still have more then a lot of cheap headphones. As for the hiss, check your source. My pair has no hiss what so ever. Also, check your EQ settings since you talked about the flatness of percussions. Now they do not have the best mids and highs on the planet but they are very far from being flat.

The one thing that you also need to remember is that without getting your source set, any high end cans will have the same problem has the HD201. I just don't want you to spend the money on really nice cans then think they do not sound good due to the source :)

I guarantee you that the JH-V100 has far more bass than the HD201.
As for the hiss, I could well have a defective set because no amount of equalizing could fix it.

I just came back from Guitar Center where I tried the Ultrasone HFI-650 without an amp.
Yes, the HFI-650 overall spanks the JH-V100, but at mid-range (and without an amp) the price premium is simply not justified.
It clearly did feel that the HFI-650 were under powered by my IPOD nano, but I am trying to find a set of headphones that will sound great without an amp.

The headphones will be primarily connected to a logitech Z-5500 which is fed through optical SPDIF from my HTPC.

I also went to BestBuy and tried the Bose headphones.
I much prefer the Bose on-ear headphones over the around-ear ones.

I wish I was able to tryout more headphones at Guitar Center and BestBuy, but neither had much on display.

Do you guys know of a shop that has more headphones on display?

Last, if you can figure out my taste, which headphones would you guys recommend me?
Major correction:
The HD201 set don't have a percussion problem (per say).
The problem I was noting was just an extension of the bass problem.

It is also fair to admit that the hiss issue could be that the HD201 is revealing of recording deficiencies.
My Sony MDR-EX71 set have the same hissing issue.

I don't like the MDR-EX71 because of the ridiculous overdrive on the bass.
Also, the ear-bugs have to be inserted in a very specific way to get the sound just right.

I am starting to think that I like the JH-V100 because they flatten out the very high frequency ranges to what's more of my liking.
It looks like I have a taste for low ranges. :p

[edit] I also did try the Beyerdynamics DT-770 Pro at Guitar Center.
I liked them much better than the Ultrasone HFI-650 but less than the Bose on-ear headphones.
Hopefully, I am giving enough description of my taste to get some good recommendations. :)