Sensor Bug (p4p800)


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2004
my Asus P4P800 is finally dieing. i can no longer OC as far due to the voltage not being as stable as it once was, same with my ram. but the system still runs fine other than a wierd sensor bug, so i took the OC off and figure i can get a few more years out of this system as a file server when i rebuild in a couple months.

so here is the problem.
sometimes, at random, random as in i can't reproduce the problem, motherboard monitoring software in windows will report 87C CPU core temp, and/or very high (30 000+RPM) or very low (600RPM, even 0RPM) fan speeds. these can happen independent of one another or together. the temperature deffinitly isn't at 87 because i have the thermal throttle protection set at 55C, and have lowered that to 45C and it does throttle back when i hit >45C. other times the temp will stay locked at 47C or 49C. typical load is around 49/50C when it spikes to 87 and i do a quick reboot, the bios reports a tempurature within range. i.e. 45C if i was running F@H or a game and slowely falls or 30C if i was idling. BUT, if i boot back into windows the sensors are still bugged, untill i shut down and boot back up.

anyone every experience this?
is there a way to fix this?
i have tried numerous bios revisions and they all seem to do this.
doubt it, but maybe a currupt file somewhere that is changing what the sensors say into numbers within windows?

i think its just another sign of this Mobo dieing. sensors are just FUBAR. :(