Serious framerate drop in FEAR DEMO!


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2002
At certain points of the DEMO, the framerate would drop to like 3,2, or 1. After a couple of seconds of the huge frame rate drop it would shoot back up to the normal frame rate which is around 40-50 with my Connect3D X800XL. I am running Omega drivers 2.6.53 and ati tray tools. The card is not overclocked and I do not have heat issues. My Zalman VF700 keeps the card nice and cool. I don't know what the problem is but it is really annoying. Should I give the Catalyst driver a try? Do I need to upgrade my card just to play FEAR smoothly? The rest of my system is in my sig. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

PS. The game is not dropping framerate during auto check point saving (which freezes the game for like 2 seconds also)
theelviscerator said:
Check your hard drive light during framerate drop.. perhaps you are paging..

If it is indeed harddrive paging, there is no other way to fix this annoyance except for getting another gig of ram? :(
tornadotsunamilife said:
LOL I was thinking wtf before I release it was a typo for 'FEAR' :p

:p Sorry typo. It is still too early in the morning here at work. *yawn* Can I go home yet?
tranCendenZ said:
I'd wait to see how the final game plays, I heard it runs much better than the demo.

Yea since the release date is getting close, I won't upgrade anything until I play the final version.
tranCendenZ said:
I'd wait to see how the final game plays, I heard it runs much better than the demo.

Damn, I hope so. with AA on at all it runs like crap.
Your computer is RAM defficient for the demo, and windows is sending a page file so you don't crash, and your loading at the point when that happens. If you have 1GB of RAM in BF2 the same thing happens as with FEAR, I took have an X800XL and is the case with the sudde FPS loss during certain points in the game, get more RAM.
theelviscerator said:
Check your hard drive light during framerate drop.. perhaps you are paging..

hit the nail on the coffin..thats the problem...hopefully they wil change this for the real game
i get an average of 45fps in fear demo, the lowest it dropped to was about 25 and it happned once my virus scan deisded to update. I am Running Catalyst drivers (5.9). I say give them a try might help.
Mayhs said:
hit the nail on the coffin..thats the problem...hopefully they wil change this for the real game

Change what the requirement for more memory when making a better looking game. 1GB is barely suffiecient now why would expect any future product not to need more.
Yeah this is certainly a paging issue. I had the very same problem with my SLI'd 6800 GT's in FEAR and BF2. I just recently upgraded to 2GB of RAM and the problem completely went away. No matter what you may think it is now time for more RAM. Everyone will have to upgrade to play these new games more smoothly.
FEAR runs fine for me with a gig. Though I probably will get another gig soon. :cool:
Kinda funny, I remember just a month ago many users on the forums were laughing at us with 2GB saying it was just a waste of money and that games would hardly ever need over a gig of memory. How things are quickly changing.
I tried the latest catalystt driver and my framerates went up. But I am stil getting those sudden drops but not as bad. Instead of stuttering for 2-4 seconds, it now does it for only about 1 second. Well at least I know that the Omega driver sucks with FEAR Demo. But like many of you guys have already said, we should wait for the final release before doing any upgrade.