Seriously, why 3 pin counts? Pros? Cons?


Limp Gawd
Jul 22, 2004
754, 939, and 940.

I understand that the 940 Pin count is mainly for servers, This mean that 939 is high end consumer, and that 754 is mid-range (leaving Socket A as low end)?

If so.... what are the differences between 754 and 939? i think i read somewhere that 939s have Dual Channel memory controllers and 754 does not... if this is true, what other things are there different about the 2 counts that i really should know about before someone would go out and pick up a Athlon 64 3400+ (754), when a Athlon 64 3500+ (939) would just be a much better option. (ofcourse, either cpu would be matched w/ proper mobo)

Also... any thoughts that 754 will get phased out like the initial P4 pin count did? last thing i would need is to pick up the 3400+... and have to upgrade mobo's AGAIN (just bought NF7-S about 6 months ago... maybe a little longer) because "oh, well, we no longer make processers for that interface" :eek:
well i doubt if you got a decent 939 socket cpu, that your next upgrade would be another 939.

if you get a decent enough cpu, you wont have to upgrade for another few years.
ok, the 754 pin cpu's don't have dual channel memory controller's, this is a very important thing these days, if you want fast ram, and most people do.... but, they do have 1mb of L2 cache, or at least the Athlon64 3200 and 3400 have 1mb L2... the 939 pin cpu's have a dual-channel memory controller, and they're fast as hell.... but only the fx-53 has 1mb of L2... what's the difference between a 939 pin fx-53 and a 940 pin fx-53? 1 pin...and a little bit of performance, but that's about it... i think. i would not get a 754 pin cpu, get a 939, you'll be glad you did. ;)
eraser_16 said:
ok, the 754 pin cpu's don't have dual channel memory controller's, this is a very important thing these days, if you want fast ram, and most people do.... but, they do have 1mb of L2 cache, or at least the Athlon64 3200 and 3400 have 1mb L2... the 939 pin cpu's have a dual-channel memory controller, and they're fast as hell.... but only the fx-53 has 1mb of L2... what's the difference between a 939 pin fx-53 and a 940 pin fx-53? 1 pin...and a little bit of performance, but that's about it... i think. i would not get a 754 pin cpu, get a 939, you'll be glad you did. ;)
why does everyone think dual channel is very important? Its about 5% difference in benchmarks, the extra cache more than makes up for it.

onboard memory controller > dual channel regular memory.
ignitionxvi said:
why does everyone think dual channel is very important? Its about 5% difference in benchmarks, the extra cache more than makes up for it.

onboard memory controller > dual channel regular memory.

well, let's see, if i have dual channel memory, my system will be 5% faster than the other guy's, but if i don't it'll be the same....what do i do? yep, i get a 939 pin cpu and run dual channel ram. if i could choose between having another 512mb of ram in dual channel mode, or the extra 512kb of cache, i'd definately choose the ram.