Server 2016 core licensing confusion


Apr 13, 2009
I'm pricing out our first Server 2016 multi CPU box and really confused with the switch to per core licensing vs Server 2012s per socket (server 2012 standard included 2 sockets)

Can anyone verify I am getting this right and that for a dual cpu, 24 core server we would need to purchase a copy of server 2016 standard as well as 4 x 2 core licenses? (16 included with the OS and 8 additional core licenses)

All the information I have read tells me this is the case, but I can't actually find core licenses for sale.

Are these licenses just like CALs where they don't do anything but save our ass if we are audited? Or do I have to enter them into the server like RDS CALs to get full functionality?

Thanks for any input. I hate dealing with Microsoft and CALs..........
Each license covers 2 cores
Each CPU socket requires minimal 8 cores of licenses (4 licenses)
Each server (even with 1 socket) require minimal of 16 cores licensed (8 licenses)
Therefore, if you have 24 cores on 2 sockets, you need 12 licenses.

CAL licenses are for users accessing Standard or Datacenter edition. If you have essentials/small business server there are no CALS. The server core licensing is just to buy the OS to put on a box.

You should work with a reseller like CDW that has licensing people. You just tell them what you have and they will sell you the correct licensing.
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You didn't list your cpu, but are some of those cores HT? If so, they don't need to be licensed, only the real cores.
Nope those are all real cores. I find conflicting opinions online but looking a BigDog's answer and re-reading intel's documentation I believe he is correct.

That said I have worked on several Server 2016 standard single CPU customer machines (That I know would have been too cheap to purchase core licenses) and they are functioning fine. I assume this licensing is just like standard CALs that really don't matter unless you are audited as they have no effect whatsoever on the functionality of the system.

Thanks for the input guys.
Nope those are all real cores. I find conflicting opinions online but looking a BigDog's answer and re-reading intel's documentation I believe he is correct.

That said I have worked on several Server 2016 standard single CPU customer machines (That I know would have been too cheap to purchase core licenses) and they are functioning fine. I assume this licensing is just like standard CALs that really don't matter unless you are audited as they have no effect whatsoever on the functionality of the system.

Thanks for the input guys.
CALs work on the honor system. However, if the customer is ever audited they will be forced to pay and it will look bad on their technicians who did not notify them of buying licensing. Its their money after all, so why not protect yourself?
I agree 100%. We always inform customers of CALs and include them in estimates (thus the question). But are frequently underbid by companies that don't include enough CALs if any.

Then when the cheaper companies do shoddy work we are called back in to pickup the pieces. It's unfortunate but seems to be business as usual for us.

Thank you for the help guys!