Service Pack 2 just HOSED my PC


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2006
Hahhaha, after runnin it foerver on my laptop, work machine, all the PC's I build, I decided to upgrade to SP2. The install goes fine and then it asks to reboot. I reboot and it comes up to the XP splash screen and then WHAM!


Now I can't even get into the BIOS!!! I'v tried 2 keyboards with USB to PC connectors and I can't even get into to my BIOS to see if it's my OC.


XP64 3000 @ 2.6
2 Gigs OCA Plat Rev 2
Audigy 2 ZX Gamer
74 G Raptor
300 Gig DiamondMax Storage.

Going to yank my Audigy first and give it a whirl, since I can hear my TV signal kick in for about 10 seconds when the splash screen comes up and then the BSOD.

99.999% upgrade to SP2 with no problems and 0.001% will have a fatal BSOD.

Windows XP is an incredibly fragile OS. When it works, it's great but when it doesn't, it's FUBAR.
I wouldn't say 99.9%, but maybe 90% update without a hassle. I've also had a few bad experiences myself with SP2 upgrades. There are a few things to check for before performing the upgrade, dunno what they are exactly, and while searching google I even came across some asshole trying to sell a "checklist" for a few bucks online. But, as I've read around, you gotta make sure you don't have too many applications listed in add/remove programs, possibly because some might be "dead links", that is, programs that are no longer installed but still listed. Maybe check drivers and stuff, just clean up your system before updating it.
LordBritish said:
99.999% upgrade to SP2 with no problems and 0.001% will have a fatal BSOD.

Windows XP is an incredibly fragile OS. When it works, it's great but when it doesn't, it's FUBAR.

We rolled a thousand in the field with no issues, except for machines without enough disk space which didn't run the installation package, and other machines, which upon further inspection of their log files, had been experiencing hardware issues before the installation.

A fragile hardware platform does not a fragile operating system make.
LordBritish said:
99.999% upgrade to SP2 with no problems and 0.001% will have a fatal BSOD.

Windows XP is an incredibly fragile OS. When it works, it's great but when it doesn't, it's FUBAR.

I agree with your first statement, but I highly disagree with your last last statement. XP is the most stable Windows desktop OS to date. I honestly can't tell you the last time I've run into a borked XP machine where the fault was of the OS. We run hundreds of XP machines at work and I have yet to have a machine go down from the OS corrupting itself. Everything I see is bad/failing hardware or incompatible drivers/software. And of course spyware/viruses.

Is related to a problem in memory. Caused by either bad RAM, or, most likely in this case, a driver or software that was not SP2 compatible. Also another possible but less likely cause would have been spyware or a virus.

The lesson we learned here would be to update your drivers and software and scan for malware before updating to Service Pack 2.

Microsoft Link for updating to SP2:

Microsoft PFN_LIST_CORRUPT link

Explains what the PFN List is:
Did you install it while overclocked ?
Sounds like something corrupted while installing, has the machine passed prime95 for 24hrs (or any other standard tests for checking stability)

Your BIOS probably has some 'legacy usb' or 'usb keyboard' options that need to be enabled for the keyboard to work in the BIOS @ bootup
My rig was Prim95 for 48 hours and ran like a ROCK for over a year so far. If it's a driver issue, I KNOW it's the Audigy 2 ZS driver. I had to install some beta drivers to even get them to work (Microphone issues in Battlefield 2). I yanked the card, but I know the driver is still going to load. I'm going to reset my CMOS in a sec and see what's up.

Thanks for all the help so far gang.