SETI@Home Wow! Event by SETI.Germany 2015


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
38 years after the discovery of the Wow! Signal on August 15th, 1977, which was received from the direction of constellation Sagittarius, it is time to honor the mother of all BOINC projects.

Therefore SETI.Germany is calling for the fourth SETI@Home-Wow!-Event from 15.08.2015 to 29.08.2015.

Anyone, who wishes to participate, has to register on this site.

More information about the Wow!-Signal can be found here and about the SETI project here.

The current BOINC software and installation instructions can be found on the homepage of SETI@home:

To collect pending credits before race start is not only allowed but welcome! The whole purpose is to do our utmost and work hard for SETI@home and thus provide invaluable support. So don't be afraid to start crunching for SETI@home with all of your available CPUs & GPUs before the race starts.

And who knows, maybe it will be you who finds the new Wow! Signal which will not just be going down in grid computing history!

SETI.Germany wishes you a lot of fun with the fourth SETI@Home-Wow!-Event.
Sign up here:

Their site shows winners in various categories. There are rankings for users, teams, groups (you choose one during registration), and I believe country as well. Each person that wants included must register. It is really quick and simple. All you need is your user name, user ID (which is numbers and can be found in your SETI account page), and then which group you want associated with.

Last year with came in 36th place and only had 4 members contribute.

This project supports, CPU, ARM, GPU (AMD and nVidia)
2 members are now signed up. Hopefully we can get a lot more to join in. This project belongs to both DC-Vault and Formula-BOINC. It isn't very often that the team pushes it. So, for those looking to push our position in either of those yearly challenges, this would be the time to add a few more spots to our SETI position.
Do you know of any hardware that does particularly well at it? I really know next to nothing about their WUs.
The obvious GPU's outperform everything else, but I haven't kept up on which ones are best. Also, make sure you install the optimized apps. I think there is a link to them in the SETI thread.
24 days to go, and we have 3 signups.

I'll participate, but don't expect a ton of points from me :-/
Last year I had the impression my GTX 780 outperform my GTX 970;different from Folding. This year I can't join; need to be carefully with my power consumption and not burning down the house.
Strong internet lines; but weak power lines where I live
Yeah.... after a $600 electric bill from the AC in the house trying to keep up, I had to scale down for a bit. Not sure how much I can throw at it yet, but we have a few more weeks to go. Luckily this is one of the projects that supports the largest variety of hardware next to Collatz. So, even my numerous cell phones will be chipping in.
yeah, sorry, this is my project, but its just too dammed hot right now

they should throw these things in Northern hemisphere winter
Yeah.... after a $600 electric bill from the AC in the house trying to keep up, I had to scale down for a bit. Not sure how much I can throw at it yet, but we have a few more weeks to go. Luckily this is one of the projects that supports the largest variety of hardware next to Collatz. So, even my numerous cell phones will be chipping in.

Wow, I thought my $473 bill last month was bad! I had to shut down my GPU's for the summer because of the electric costs. Fuel for my boat takes precedence over crunching when it comes to disposable income in the summer. :D
I'm not solely at SETI. I am still hitting many other projects that I still have not hit my 1 million point goal yet. So, most of my production right now is mainly a few low end GPU tasks and some Android devices that just recently attached. I plan on picking it up here soon. Since there is 3 weeks before it starts, there is no need to bunker yet and pretty good chance that work units finished now wont still be waiting to validate at the time of the start.
man, I am not seeing any activity at all under that

I've got myself at #1 with about 2.5M as teraractyl, 3 other active, and only 2 other over 1M total

am I seeing the same team as you?
can we get that merged?

here I been thinking I was doing the right thing
jojo69, we can not merge teams. From what all the bigwigs tell me, the BOINC server code doesn't have that built into it. The only thing that can be done is if the team founder
a) deletes the team altogether
b) changes the team name to something that isn't so similar
(both a and b means we lose the point contributions of former teammates whom are inactive and current teammates would be without team until they join back up)

or, we as a team reach out better and guide our teammates to the correct one. I have attempted to reach out to several members many of times and still do. However, the default settings at projects don't notify you by email when you get a PM. So, unless they check into the project and look at their account (which many never do for some reason), they may not know they have a message.
where do I get user ID? I participated in the original SETI with Team Art Bell then moved to [H]

got it figured out, had to do the boinc thing
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Looks like the SETI well is a little dry :-(

I wonder how they will manage when this thing starts.
For those looking to bunker which is an encouraged behavior in this event, you still have 2 more days before you should load up.

For those that don't know what bunkering is at this point, please read this thread:

We also only have a hand full of people signed up for this event. If you intend on participating you must sign yourself up! Please follow the second posts details of this thread.
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I think they just haven't updated the team from the stats...I have already submitted a form for someone to take a look at it and see where the issue lies.

And I just posted in the shoutbox to try to get someone's attention to look at those contact notes... Hopefully it will be soon.
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For those bunkering, today is the first day for loading up a 10 day cache of work....
We are up to 5 members so far. I want to remind everyone that this challenge requires you to actually sign yourself up. So, it takes more than just being on the team. For everyone actively crunching at SETI already, please take a moment to fill out the form. It really is a simple process.
There used to be a PS3 app back in the day just like there was a FAH one. But most PS3's got the software update that pulled the option to run these apps off. Only a few projects out there still support the PS3.

I think the only ones left are YoYo@home, WUProp, and the projects.
Hey guys, I was going to sign up for this, and I'm on the page, but it wants me to select a group based on astrological signs. Does that matter?

Never mind...I got it.
Still trying to get the hang of this. I turned off the network. 1 CPU says uploading (suspended user request) but the CPU didn't start on another WU.
It sounds like you just suspended the client instead of the networking only. On clients predating I think 7.6 you can click on Activity at the top of the client and then change the networking setting there to suspended. That should allow the client to continue as normal except for uploading/downloading. Just make sure your cache has enough work downloaded before turning it off or you will run dry too early.