Setting SATA to IDE mode?


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2003
I'm currently dealing with a timeout error in Windows which causes a system hang from time to time. The problem is described in more detail here. I believe it's related to my dvd writer and apparently switching my SATA controller to from AHCI to IDE mode will help. Am I likely to see any "real world" performance changes as a result of this switch? I do not currently have a RAID setup so I'm not worried about that right now. Is there any other functionality change/losses I need to be aware of?

This seems like kind of an obscure question to me, so thanks to anyone who has some input.
Wow, thank you for that workaround link. I followed it exactly and it worked like a charm. I was able to switch to IDE mode in the BIOS and re-boot into Windows, at which point the IDE drivers installed. One more restart and it was all set. Now I won't have to spend the next hour or so re-installing Windows:)

Maybe it's too soon to tell, but I have not experienced any system hangups or observed any iaStor errors in the event log since implementing this change. Just prior, I had seen multiple iaStor errors this evening one of which resulted in a BSOD.

It's too bad that Intel has not fixed the RST driver to overcome this major flaw. After searching on the Intel forums I saw numerous reports of similar problems dating back over a year now. At the moment it will not impact me since I do not use SSDs, RAID or intend to set this up in the near future. At some point I may want this and hope Intel has addressed it by then. Anyway, thanks again for that link which was essential in the process (to avoid time consuming process of re-installing OS and software)!