Setting up basic internal site using IIS


Jul 7, 2008
We have an old program running on Windows XP that I'm transitioning to a Windows 7 box (for security reasons). The program is a Point of Sale system that uses SQL database (2008) and an IIS internal website. I've managed to get the SQL database up and running, but I'm running into some issues.

I've copied over the site's Application folder (where all the website documents/elements/etc. are held), and added them to the site in IIS, and set up a static IP for that internal site to point to, but everytime I try and browse it, it just gives me 404 errors saying the application is missing. Unfortunately the company that created this Point of Sale system has long since stopped supporting this, and was unable to help me, but we're only using it for running old reports.

Maybe I just need to try one of the deploy/migrate tools from Microsoft:
Please clarify the explanation of the application... Is this a desktop application that runs when a user logs in to the machine, or is this an IIS application that uses a .NET app pool? The explanation just seems a little contradictory. (And if this was IIS on XP, was there a reason why this was done instead of IIS on Windows 2000 Server?)

Also, do you still have the installation or setup instructions for the software? That may also provide some guidance for transitioning to Windows 7. (Also, if this is an IIS application, then why not use a Windows Server 2008 or newer?)
How did you add them to IIS? Did you give it a site name or just add a virtual directory?

Yes I know that question isn't the best phrased but its the best I can come up with right now.