Settings up a 24/7 mIRC channel


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2007
[H]ello folks,

I'm planning on setting up a private IRC channel for a bunch of moderators for a small forum that my friend plans to put up soon. I don't have too much IRC experience; just the basics, if that.

The main requirement is that I'd like to keep the server up 24/7 -- from what I understand, the best solution is to have an idle bot. Can anyone recommend me places for me to read up on the best options or even a tutorial to get everything up and running smoothly, and securely?

Thanks in advance.
seems like you're looking to set up your own irc *network*, is that correct? (actually it doesnt really sound that way...but thats what it seems like since you were asking about running your own server)

if so the heart of the matter is figuring out what ircd you need to use:

i think the main difference is some support things like nick/channel registration and whatnot.

here for more details:

but i think that's overkill. what you should be (and may actually be) looking to do is just setup an irc *channel* on an existing network. bots are necessary to hold on to a channel on a network like EFNet where if the channel becomes empty anyone can take over. but with something like dalnet you can register a channel and get it back, so bots arent that important.

list of various networks here:
Don't confuse network and channel (as you seem to be using the terms interchangeably).

What you want to do can be easily done...

Go onto any network (EFNet, IRCHighway, whatever), start a channel. If you want the channel to always 'exist' on the network, there has to be at least one user in the channel at any given time. You can set up a bot (like eggdrop) that just sits there in a channel.

Additional stuff you might want to read up on - Chanserv (EFNET doesn't have this)

If you want your own irc network, you'll need to set up your own IRCd server.
Sorry for the mixup; I'm trying to set up a channel, and not a network, however, i'd like it to exist at all times like you said.

So the requirement is to have a bot..are there any alternatives to eggdrop just so I can see what options I have? It is free also, correct?

edit: also thanks for the read-up links
To make a channel exist all the time pick a network, register the channel, wait for said networks bot to turn up and then enjoy

on irc,freenode,net the bot of interest is ChanServ, once a channel is registered (and you have a hostmask from a freenode staffer) this bot can be invited in