Sexual Assault via Internet


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
A new twist for the twisted. Cybercrime has talken a giant step forward (or backward) in the guise of threats to release personal data in exchange for sexually explicit material from the victims.

So far, we're not talking about anything that doesn't happen tens of thousands of times a day. But, this is where the story takes a different twist. Mijangos didn't just automatically use the infected computer to send out spam and malware or siphon off credit-card passwords and the like the way most botnet controllers would do. No, instead, he went looking on his victim's computers for sexually explicit or intimate images and videos.
From the article
It's not like there's anything new that can be said, except my constant encouragement for people to switch to more secure operating systems like Linux. Hey, it seems to be working for Google.

Yeah, in Linux your webcam won't work at all. That means it's more secure.
Still image capture : No

Just for good measure

Don't talk **** if you can't back it up. The current lack of still image capture is what I like to call "irrelevant" because every OS out there has this interesting little capability called "screenshots".

Oh and somehow Cheese works just fine to capture images off my webcam for me, but maybe I'm crazy..or it could be that I'm actually not arguing from ignorance and thus can tear down every little sophomoric jab someone like you might throw.

Try again.

Just for good measure

Don't talk **** if you can't back it up. The current lack of still image capture is what I like to call "irrelevant" because every OS out there has this interesting little capability called "screenshots".

Oh and somehow Cheese works just fine to capture images off my webcam for me, but maybe I'm crazy..or it could be that I'm actually not arguing from ignorance and thus can tear down every little sophomoric jab someone like you might throw.

Try again.

Cool story bro.
Since it works I'll plug in my VX-5000

lc@skoll:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid
lc@skoll:~$ ls /dev/video*
ls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory

guess it doesn't work. security through lack of functionality FTW!
Cool story bro.
Since it works I'll plug in my VX-5000

lc@skoll:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid
lc@skoll:~$ ls /dev/video*
ls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory

guess it doesn't work. security through lack of functionality FTW!

Some work some don't, if you plan on running Linux, you should probably get Linux compatible hardware.

That being said, who the hell uses a webcam anyway?
Zarathustra[H];1035887393 said:
Some work some don't, if you plan on running Linux, you should probably get Linux compatible hardware.

That being said, who the hell uses a webcam anyway?

I know, I was just being oblique.

I don't use a webcam personally, but I have Linux users I support who do.
I guess feeling like my laptops built in webcam is staring at me isn't such a strange thought after all.....