SFF, WHS system


Jun 26, 2004
I would like to order some parts for a WHS system but I really have no clue what way to go on hardware. I would consider AMD but would prefer Intel even if it means a little more money.

The system will be used to back up 5-6 computers and serve up music and movies to up to 3 computers as once but no HD at this point. Case will be custom to fit in a custom rack I am making for my home network. M-ATX board will fit but if I can save significant power with a smaller board and have decent performance thats great too. Looking to be able to use 6 to 8 s-ata hard drives. I would also like it to have a good gigabit nic. Also recommendation for a efficient power supply for this system would be appreciated.

I would like for the system to be as power efficient and as silent as possible with the exception of spending a lot of extra cash just to save a few more watts. I know you guys like to have a budget but I don't have one. I am just willing to spend what it takes on hardware to get the job done and I don't believe the job calls for any over the top expensive hardware.

Well I pasted this thread in this forum since I figured you guys would know the most about building low power systems.

Anyway I looked over some items on Newegg. Thinking maybe a Biostar 780G M-ATX with a X2 BE-2300.

Do you guys think I could build a quiet system with this hardware? Is something like this really my best option?
I would suggest an e5200 and a Q or G 3X/4X series board with 6 SATA ports built in. Idle power from an undervolted+speedstep enabled 45nm CPU is only a few watts. Small PSU's can be tricky when you need to start up 6 drives at once (at boots, multiple files accessed that are on different spun down drives etc), and no matter what you get at idle with the drives spun down you're going to get shit for efficiency because no PSU that can handle the system at load will have efficiency in the 20watt range that the system will idle at (60w from the wall wouldn't surprise me even if it was higher). Look into PSU's like the Seasonic 300w.