SFTP Backup


Limp Gawd
Oct 4, 2004
I'm trying to find a method of backing up a web server. Basically I am looking for an application (either linux or Server 2003) that will allow me to schedule a backup method through SFTP. Every night I'd like to download tar backups from our web server onto a local backup.

I've searched, but am having a hard time finding an application that will do it. Initially I was planning on mapping the remote server in Linux and using a cron job to do the copy, but I was unsuccessful there too (not overly experienced with linux myself).

I was wondering if anyone could provide some guidance or suggestions on the matter.
first thing I would do is setup up SSH keys for authentication that are passwordless, you should be able to find some guides online if you haven't done that before.
Then I would put together a script using scp lik

scp user@remotehost:/path/to/backups/backup.tar /path/to/local/dir/

If you have the SSH keys working properly that should do it.
first thing I would do is setup up SSH keys for authentication that are passwordless, you should be able to find some guides online if you haven't done that before.
Then I would put together a script using scp lik

scp user@remotehost:/path/to/backups/backup.tar /path/to/local/dir/

If you have the SSH keys working properly that should do it.
He just told you everything you need to know. You could even put that scp command right into a cron job so it runs on a schedule. What you're trying to do is extremely simple, I think you;re over complicating things.