SG01..Now with Windows


Jul 26, 2005
on the front page of but the SG01 now comes with windows. The black looks nice as most of the inside is black.

As for the SG02....some minor production things have delayed it but not to worry because the windowed SG01 should tie you over :)
Argh, this makes me angry as I just bought an SG01-E last week. Oh well, no one needs to see my wires anyhow. :p
Oh wow, this might be just what I have been waiting for. The window was one of the things I like about the fragbox over the sg01-e, but the fragbox's cooling is not as effective, since it looks like it was based on the pre-evolution model of the sg01.
hmm, i dont know if i want windows, all ppl would be able to see is the clutter of wires and crap. anyway, any place sell this yet?
Your eyes are fine and it does look like kind of a hack job. It's not bad, I just wouldn't pay much extra for it.
This case leaves almost no reason to buy a Fragbox (unless you really NEED an external 3.5" bay and a handle). :rolleyes:
Quite frankly, I think the window job looks bad.

I am still sold on the X-Gene
I think the x-gene is gross. That clamshell opening thing is awkward, and the interior is cheap unpolished metal.