Sharing Macbook Harddrive with Windows 8?


Apr 15, 2002
First off is this even possible? I've got a bunch of music on my Macbook that I want to play through the speakers that I have hooked up onto my PC. Anyway to browse that harddrive that has the music through the network?

How to guide anywhere?
If all you are looking to share is music, I believe iTunes makes it really simple to do. Install iTunes on the PC and point it at your Macbook. I'd give you the exact steps, but I stopped using iTunes years ago when it became a bloated pigdog.
First off is this even possible? I've got a bunch of music on my Macbook that I want to play through the speakers that I have hooked up onto my PC. Anyway to browse that harddrive that has the music through the network?

How to guide anywhere?

Doesn't OSX have samba built in through the sharing control panel? I haven't used OS X in years, but it definitely did during the G4 era of OS X.