Shattered Horizon is free to play, 50% off this weekend

maybe I am misunderstanding you but the 8800/9800 cards are DX10.

Your right! Shows hows much of a newbie I am. That means most PC gamers are running on some very very old hardware.
What's so hard about buying a $100 DX10/11 card and running Vista/W7 these days?

ATI/Nvidia should start a trade up program like EVGA to push PC gaming forward again!
An incentive to get people to stop using DX9 and step up to an entry level DX11 card or better.
after viewing a gameplay vid, im not sure what would happen first playing that game: get bored to death or vomit from motion sickness
after viewing a gameplay vid, im not sure what would happen first playing that game: get bored to death or vomit from motion sickness
It's super fun. I like it because it's a FPS where noobs aren't spamming grenades so if you die, you probably deserved it. Didn't take me too long to get to the point of being 1.5 KDR per game. One of the first things I thought when playing the game was:

"Scumbrains, that's what we've got in this launch.Pinheaded little morons. Only one of you had the brains to realize that in null gravity directions are whatever you conceive them to be. Do you understand that, Shafts?"
Installed. Logged in... 10 seconds. Exit, uninstall.

Not my cup of tea.
I just bought the game, it takes some skill to get oriented and used to, but once you figure it out it's a great game. Just needs more of a community... theres no way you can judge a game within 10 seconds, I mean sure it may not be your cup of tea but give it a chance.