Sheer Awesomeness: l33t Coder Cake

lol l33t.

my wife would probably be like "really, code on the cake. as if you dont do that enough at home".
lol that's cool.

And Bahamut, bad! Bad pun! lol
Reminds me of the time I wrote out "Happy Birthday" in binary for a fellow geek's birthday card. He naturally dove into the task of decoding it....

This is really creative though. I think my wife might try to hurt me if I did this... hm....
That is just pure awesomeness... However, next time they need to use assembly. :)
Oh man, all I can think of is the scenes in every Austin Powers movie where he just goes pun insane...

"Oh yeah, I'll bet the catering is gonna have a lot of garbage to clean up after this party, baby..."

"Am I laying it on too thick, baby... should I spread it around a... bit more..."

Ok ok, I'm done. :D
while (!death) {

Probably want to check "death" first...
while (!death) {

Probably want to check "death" first...

This, also It irks me when people check bools against values.
is so much better than...
if(dead == true)
This, also It irks me when people check bools against values.
is so much better than...
if(dead == true)
The only thing geekier than the novelty of a wedding cake with code on it is the nerds trying to optimize said code :p
I once wrote HAPPY NEW YEAR using RNA codons, but it wasn't on a cake.

There are no arguments to those functions :)
Strictly speaking, they are procedures. ;)
There is also no honour_and_obey() sub, but I'm pretty sure that one's obsolete.

while (!death) {

Probably want to check "death" first...
By some definitions, if you don't run through those procedures at least once the marriage never even started.
^ Dammit, somebody beat me to it. I should've read the rest of the thread. :eek:
Easy there cupcake.

And while he was coding, he left out an important part...

I'm pretty sure sex is covered by "have_and_hold". If you think the rate of sex increments as time goes on, you're not married. If it's just a counter, well, there's not much point in keeping score after marriage either.
The only thing geekier than the novelty of a wedding cake with code on it is the nerds trying to optimize said code :p
The only way to appropriately optimize a Java application is to rewrite it in C ;)
Seeing some of the comments here, I'd be surprise if none of you guys do/did the same for your wedding cake :eek:
Seeing some of the comments here, I'd be surprise if none of you guys do/did the same for your wedding cake :eek:
You think my wife would have let me at the cake? She was a floral designer at the time...