

[H] Pirate
Aug 29, 2006
I installed FarCry patch 1.3 because I wanted to try out hdr in far cry, I then attempted to install the modified cat 6.9's which gave me an error and far cry refused to work, so I then did a clean install (w/ drivercleaner) of the original drivers that came with the vid card. I then tried to start far cry up and it basically didn't get past the loading screen, I then uninstalled the 1.3 patch using ccleaner and then when I attempt to start far cry up again I get this error "crysystem.dll could not be found" so I'm out of ideas so what can I do besides doing a fresh re-install of farcry because I don't feel like losing my hard earned save?
tisb0b said:
I installed FarCry patch 1.3 because I wanted to try out hdr in far cry, I then attempted to install the modified cat 6.9's which gave me an error and far cry refused to work, so I then did a clean install (w/ drivercleaner) of the original drivers that came with the vid card. I then tried to start far cry up and it basically didn't get past the loading screen, I then uninstalled the 1.3 patch using ccleaner and then when I attempt to start far cry up again I get this error "crysystem.dll could not be found" so I'm out of ideas so what can I do besides doing a fresh re-install of farcry because I don't feel like losing my hard earned save?

just copy the save game folder out and fresh install the graphics drivers then farcry then just stick the save games back in, should work a treat.
yes but that still doesn't solve the problem of the 1.3 patch not working
tisb0b said:
yes but that still doesn't solve the problem of the 1.3 patch not working

Save your game, then uninstall/reinstall FarCry. See what happens.
Lol. You're not supposed to have any profanity in the thread title. Better change it before a mod tells you to... er..
i think i know what ur prob is, u have to start from the very FIRST patch, and patch in increments i read it somewhere and had to do and everything was fine.
dwilson041781 said:
i think i know what ur prob is, u have to start from the very FIRST patch, and patch in increments i read it somewhere and had to do and everything was fine.

eh screw that I'll just download 180mb cumlative 1.4 patch on my 56k should be done in about 8-12 hours and it's at 25%.

*is a lazy bastard*