Shopping for an Xbox One for nephew... thoughts?


Nov 27, 2004
My brother is considering getting his son, my nephew, an Xbox One for Christmas. He asked me on my thoughts on it since I'm the "techy" (aka nerd) in the family. Well, I'm all about the PC and very ignorant of consoles. The last console I owned was a PS2... it's even still hooked up to the TV. haha. Can anyone help me out, provide some pointers, and/or tell me what should I look for and where the best deals usually are for an Xbox One? I know his 14 yr old son is a huge Call of Duty fan, but that's about all I know. Any tips and pointers you can provide would be helpful as I try to help my brother find a great deal... hopefully before the sell out madness of Black Friday.


p.s. Budget is about $350 max.
There are tons of deals. You can usually buy the XBONER for 350 w/ 2 free games. Sometimes people also throw in a controller. Ask him to pick it up on a black Friday or something.
There are plenty of bundles this holiday season for an Xbox one. $350 gets you the console and a minimum of one depending on the game. When it comes to Call of Duty you're not going to find any official bundles, because Sony has the deal with Call of Duty.

I would say take a look at gamestop, bestbuy, and amazon to get an idea of the bundles that are available. Also Target is doing a Buy 2 Get 1 Free game I think through Christmas so that could be a way to get some extra games at a lower cost.
This is probably the best deal I've seen. Of course, it will probably be gone in seconds.

There are tons of deals. You can usually buy the XBONER for 350 w/ 2 free games. Sometimes people also throw in a controller. Ask him to pick it up on a black Friday or something.

Don't do this. It may be a great deal, but that will only be in-store and it's not worth the hassle. Going anywhere shopping on Black Friday is a headache and a waste of time with no guarantee you'll get anything. Just keeping searching and especially check twice a day (morning & afternoon) for their deals. They are always posting something. And if something doesn't make it to the front page, then just search for "Xbox One" and there'll be something.