Shortcut for minimize?


Jul 3, 2003
Is there a general windows shortcut to minimize a window?

im always looking to be faster and more efficient in my computing
i know a way to minimize all applications (create a quick launch of your desktop)
AeriaGloris said:
Windowskey+d minimises all open windows. Pressing it again brings them back.
i like that, got any for individual applications?
rox1co said:
i like that, got any for individual applications?
There's no winkey hotkey for that. The closest you can get without using a third party hotkey application is what I posted above. I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. :)
AeriaGloris said:
Windowskey+d minimises all open windows. Pressing it again brings them back.

this, when used with alt+tab, seems to be the winner