Should I? (Bigwater 735)


Jan 10, 2003
I was just at my local radio shack and they discounted the bigwater 735 even more and it's now about $30. Should I go for it???
You cant even buy a pump at that price. Hell you cant even get a Arctic Freezer Pro 7 heatsink fan from Newegg at that price. BUT it depends on what your goals are and you have not mentioned any specifics. Excellent deal if you want to get into water cooling on a budget.

Don't mention you run it unless you can handle the WCing snobs who want you to spend $200+ for a "kit" . Save the $170 and in 50 years at 4% compounded monthly you will have $1,250 which should be enough in 2059 to take the wife out for a nice dinner (no tip).

Not for even one second run the pump dry. If it balks at starting up give it a sharp slap in your hand. (hold pump in one hand and give it a wack with the other hand to jar it free)

The hold down is not spring loaded. This allows you to over-tighten the hold down nuts and crack the block. Buy a Danger Den hold down kit for $8 which includes longer rods and springs you can use with the Tt hold down bracket, You might have to drill/ream out the holes in the Tt bracket just a bit.
(the picture does not show it but you get springs etc. with it)

One 1x120 rad fine for medium OC of CPU only. If later you want more add the TM-2 2x120 rad and you effectively have the 745 unit and could easily add a gpu block to the loop.

Its easy to install and has everything you need. so the gotcha is that you don't get to spend several weekends figuring out how and where to install it and running back and forth to a hardware store for something you need or forgot.

I get very good performance out of mine. I may have to check my local Radio Shack, mine is 2 years old running 18 hours a day and a spare pump with res is well worth $30. Just a Tt pump runs > $40.
You cant even buy a pump at that price. Hell you cant even get a Arctic Freezer Pro 7 heatsink fan from Newegg at that price. BUT it depends on what your goals are and you have not mentioned any specifics. Excellent deal if you want to get into water cooling on a budget.

Don't mention you run it unless you can handle the WCing snobs who want you to spend $200+ for a "kit" . Save the $170 and in 50 years at 4% compounded monthly you will have $1,250 which should be enough in 2059 to take the wife out for a nice dinner (no tip).

Not for even one second run the pump dry. If it balks at starting up give it a sharp slap in your hand. (hold pump in one hand and give it a wack with the other hand to jar it free)

The hold down is not spring loaded. This allows you to over-tighten the hold down nuts and crack the block. Buy a Danger Den hold down kit for $8 which includes longer rods and springs you can use with the Tt hold down bracket, You might have to drill/ream out the holes in the Tt bracket just a bit.
(the picture does not show it but you get springs etc. with it)

One 1x120 rad fine for medium OC of CPU only. If later you want more add the TM-2 2x120 rad and you effectively have the 745 unit and could easily add a gpu block to the loop.

Its easy to install and has everything you need. so the gotcha is that you don't get to spend several weekends figuring out how and where to install it and running back and forth to a hardware store for something you need or forgot.

I get very good performance out of mine. I may have to check my local Radio Shack, mine is 2 years old running 18 hours a day and a spare pump with res is well worth $30. Just a Tt pump runs > $40.

Haha no wonder none of the other watercooling people have touched this thread.

My goal is just to get into water cooling and fulfill constant engineering curiosity, how can i make it better.

I heard about the balky pump I'll try your method of backhanding it.

What happens if i just buy some springs? I'll try not to overtighten it. Most people people crank the shit out of the nuts to make sure it's on there I'll try to be a little more gentle.

I actually plan on cleaning radioshack out of there thermaltake gear. It's been markdown so much that I can actually get quite a bit of money for it on ebay. (ie they have big typhons for $6)
hmm yep scared them off apparently. Well I can help them out.

ALL Tt products are CRAP and in addition to being a total waste of money will cause your machine to catch on fire and make your children look funny.

(actually I kind of agree, most Tt is pretty crappy but there are just a few exceptions to the general rule and the 735 and 745 - both being discontinued BTW, smooth move Tt, are the exception along with some of their fans )

What happens if i just buy some springs? I'll try not to overtighten it. Most people people crank the shit out of the nuts to make sure it's on there I'll try to be a little more gentle.

You will find the rods too short to accomodate the springs, but basically yea you have the right idea and a trip to the hardware store for some 6-32 threaded rod, nylon nuts and washers and springs will do the trick. The rods might be just a tad tight in the motherboard holes. There are no traces anywhere near those holes so a very minor reaming/enlargement with an exacto knife, it only need a tiny bit of work, the rods should go right through. I built mine from lowes building supply, the speciality hardware drawers.
Everything I've read says "Don't touch it with a ten foot pole." BUT ... for $30, it sounds like a heck of a deal, and a very inexpensive way to try your hand at water cooling.

The only thing that can go wrong is if you get a leak and ruin your components - but if you leak test and install it carefully, you should not be at more risk than going with another setup.

I say Go for It, and do let us know how it works out.