Should I buy a powerbook / ibook?


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2003
I have moved to using my mac for almost everything since getting my mini and was considering a powerbook or ibook for travelling / work but have a few questions.

How much better are the powerbooks to the ibooks for general use (comparing the 1.33 ibook to the 1.5 powerbook) anything with about the same performance as my mini would be fine and is it at the cost of battery life?

I hear a few people on this forum saying apple are about to do an update should I wait or will it be ages till any major upgrades?

Basically is the powerbook worth the extra?

Oh and one other quick question does windows media player suck on the mac for everyone else aswell? Takes ages to skip around clips for me.

Thanks for any help
WMP works fine on my 12" PB.

IMO, I'm very happy with my Powerbook even though I got it before Apple announced the switch to intel. I would say go for it. The latest revs of powerbooks are wonderful, pretty bug free (I haven't had any problems other than how hot this gets while sitting on a cloth surface).

To answer your q about powerbook vs ibook, the powerbook has a supurb keyboard, better looks, more options as far as graphics power and HD space, Scrolling trackpad (very awesome btw, i miss having it when i'm usinig a mouse), etc. It's definitely a class above the iBook, but you may not want anything more than a websurfing/email machine. I had to use this for CS classes, and I wanted something that would keep up with compiling, working with a ton of apps at once, and then something that could burn DVDs, and store lots of music, videos, etc., so i went with the powerbook.
Nothing I do on the mac is that intensive really, I do use XTools quite a bit but the stuff gets compiled on another machine. Mostly I use it to surf, listen to music and may have a few word and XTools windows open.

If it can handle all of that at once it will be fine.
I just got a 15" pb recently and really love it... my PC pretty much just sits now as a file server and work horse for things the mac chokes on. I'd say get the powerbook since it is so highly polished. We have an ibook at work and the display and keyboard are just 2 different leagues... so is sound quality. If your looking to save money, of course thats a different story, but if u can go for it... it's worth it. Good luck.
yea i just got 15" pb too. it rocks. runs smooth and looks clean. i was considering the 12" but i thought the screen was too small for me.
Wait until Wed of next week since the changes should be completely known then. Basically mini and ibooks are gettign video card upgrades.
Has this been confirmed yet? I heard alot of rumors but still can't find anything certain. Wish I had bought it a week ago I could really do with now but since I am waiting another week won't hurt
I am also wondering this. All I have seen are rumors. I will have to wait now of course but I REALLY need a laptop soon and this is most inconvenient :mad:
New iBook model numbers are in Apple's database (according to Engadget, anyway.) Widescreen iBooks and new Mac Minis are coming Real Soon Now.

It's too bad that Apple didn't release widescreen iBooks three months ago. I would've bought one.