Should I buy Madden 2009 or 2010?


Mar 30, 2006
I haven't bought a madden in a while, but I enjoy playing the demos I download from xbox live.

I'm having a hard time deciding if I should spend ($35) on 2010 during BF or just get the 2009 ($10) which is about the going price.

Is there much difference between the 2 games? is it worth it to spend the extra $25?
My vote is for 2010.

I own 2009 and played the demo for 2010 and I appreciated the feel of 2010. This is only my opinion but the slower (and more realistic) speed of players in 2010 is a lot more fun for myself.
2010 is pretty good. They really changed a lot of the game play around to be better balanced and more realistic.
i hear rumors about 2k sports making an unofficial football game next year to rival madden again. we can only hope..
I bought 2009 due to being cheap.

2010 brings a lot more to the table- like 1080i res for those of us still on first gen HDTV's (almost 7 years on that set and going strong) and slower speeds. I enjoy '09 FWIW as a knock around game.
2010 is leaps and bounds better then 09
It is worth the prce differnce for sure
2k is a lost cause in the football scene I mean really with all the die hard madden fans out there I know I wont buy the 2K series if it was only $10 just cause all my friends play madden and I know they wont switch for nothing
2010 for sure. We don't know how long EA will keep the 2009 servers open. They close them down fast.
LOL anyone who is a die hard madden fan knows this answer for sure,2010 plays alot better then 09.
They really got into the player ratings and made it alot better.Not everyone is rated in the 90's,they have to be a really good player and their performance in game really shows
2010 for sure. We don't know how long EA will keep the 2009 servers open. They close them down fast.
Whoa! What? I haven't played a football game since Gameday 97", but recently picked up a 360 and Madden's definitely something I'm thinking about. When does 2011 come out then?

(wow that sounds futuristic, like they'd have jet packs or something)
2011 will be out next Augustish. EA closes down the multiplayer servers for their games quite frequently as new games come out.
2k is a lost cause in the football scene I mean really with all the die hard madden fans out there I know I wont buy the 2K series if it was only $10 just cause all my friends play madden and I know they wont switch for nothing

NFL2k5 was far better than any Madden game. Madden is the best right now cause there is no competition. I pray the NFL gets smart and doesn't extend its contract with EA because they put out pieces of shit year after year.
NFL2k5 was far better than any Madden game. Madden is the best right now cause there is no competition. I pray the NFL gets smart and doesn't extend its contract with EA because they put out pieces of shit year after year.

the nfl is just in it for the money. they already re-upped ea's exclusivity once. if ea brings another giant pile of cash to the nfl again, it will likely happen again.

also I think ts bullshit that ea paid so much for exclusive rights and then filled the madden games with ridiculous snickers ads, aaarrrggghhh.
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