Should I get an iPhone?


Limp Gawd
Mar 9, 2007
I decided to get ahead get a nice phone this time, not a "free" phone with a 2 year contract.

I could go with either Verizon or ATT and went with ATT because of their selection and price of phones. With Verizon I would have to pay much more since I am adding a line onto a family plan. I got a Samsung Eternity and still had to pay more since it's a family plan line, but it was still a lot less then any "smart" phones that Verizon had.

Well, I have had the Samsung Eternity for almost a week and am about ready to throw it out a window. My favorites page has built in items that I cannot figure out how to delete. I can only see 1 of the favorites that I added, to see more I have to scroll down.

All webpages are by default displayed in "mobile phone" format, with no way to change it on some pages, and no way to save your preference. Some pages just don't work well, if at all in "mobile phone" format.

I can't figure out how to get pictures off this phone and onto my notebook via bluetooth. I can send files TO the phone, but I can't get them off the phone unless I get a miniSD card, which means removing the battery when I want to put the pics on my notebook.

E-Mail the pics? Can't attach photos through the browsers gmail. The mobile e-mail app seems to have support for every e-mail provider BUT g-mail.

Now even though I am a self proclaimed Apple "hater", I am actually thinking that the iPhone is the best way to go.

Can anyone tell me their own experiences with an iPhone? What did you hate about it, what did you like about it? Is there any difference between the 8GB and 16GB versions other then 8GB?

Thanks for the help.
the only other difference (besides space) between the 8gb and 16gb is the price. I was also a iphone hater.....then I got one. I love my iphone, that may be because I went from a very plan jain no frills phone to an iphone. If the 3.0 update adds copy and paste like they are predicting I'll be a happy camper, no more writing down passwords to trouble shoot a customers server or hosting when I'm out doing family stuff on the weekends
Are you willing to pay for the data plan?

I don't know yet, that mostly depends on if the iPhone itself is worth it.

What video and audio formats does it play? Can you download any file type then transfer it to a pc later? What kind of gmail support does it have?

Can you tether it to a pc if you have the right data plan? I am still doing some research to find out what it can and can't do. I read it cannot record video and you can't send pictures in text messages?
I LOVE MY IPHONE... oh sorry about that :)
I have converted 2 people to getting iPhones when they did not like them.
You will not be dissapointed.

My wife and i have an iPhone each and we pay $120 a month. FOR 2 iPhones! for me thats a big deal because we were paying $95 a month with sprint for 2 shitty kattana phones :(
If you only use text, no calls, get the T-Mobile Sidekick Prepaid Plan. $1/day = $365/year = $30/month for unlimited text and data. Only downside is calls are $0.45/minute.
I don't know yet, that mostly depends on if the iPhone itself is worth it.

What video and audio formats does it play? Can you download any file type then transfer it to a pc later? What kind of gmail support does it have?

Can you tether it to a pc if you have the right data plan? I am still doing some research to find out what it can and can't do. I read it cannot record video and you can't send pictures in text messages?

Everything you download to the phone through legal means should sync with iTunes fine. You can record video if you jailbreak, but that's it(at the moment at least), and there is no MMS(at the moment again, who knows what this update will bring).

As far as Gmail support goes, I have never personally owned an iPhone, but I know a few people who have them and they say Gmail works great. E-mail is pretty much instant, and I believe you can set up IMAP so pretty much everything syncs both ways.

Hope that helps.
I have been shopping around a bit more and it really looks like the HTC Fuze is a great phone. Only thing is it's 299.99 through att's website. I am trying to find a local store where I can purchase it for cheaper. has it for about 200.00 with free shipping and free activation which makes me wonder why att can't match that.
A lot of the iPhone just boils down to personal preference. I'd recommend playing around with a friend's and see if you like it. (That's what she said.)

Personally, I love mine. I didn't have an iPod either so I use most of the extra space for music. I have also found that there are well-made apps for many things as well. I always already on AT&T's plan so when I needed a new phone because my stupid RAZR broke it seemed like a no brainer.
Does anyone have any experience with the HTC Fuze? I am trying to choose between the Fuze and iPhone. I like the fact that the Fuze has windows 6.2, better compatability overall. has it for 299.99 which means I can get it with my store credit. Still looking into it. The iPhone does have the great iPod interface, but also requires itunes which I really dislike alot. I liked it at first but when it started opening my movies in quicktime, which I hadin't even realized it had downloaded, it pissed me off quite a bit and there went itunes.
Does anyone have any experience with the HTC Fuze? I am trying to choose between the Fuze and iPhone. I like the fact that the Fuze has windows 6.2, better compatability overall. has it for 299.99 which means I can get it with my store credit. Still looking into it. The iPhone does have the great iPod interface, but also requires itunes which I really dislike alot. I liked it at first but when it started opening my movies in quicktime, which I hadin't even realized it had downloaded, it pissed me off quite a bit and there went itunes.

I'd go try the Fuze before buying it. A lot of people don't like the resistive touch screen.
Do the at&t stores have actual working phones to demo? I still have yet to see a place with a working demo, I don't know anyone who has one to try it.
Do the at&t stores have actual working phones to demo? I still have yet to see a place with a working demo, I don't know anyone who has one to try it.

They usually have working models, but I don't recall seeing anything like the Fuze out on display.

Newegg has the Fuze for $174.99 with free shipping and free activation. I'd shop at newegg before that no name place you linked.
I have the fuze, it's great other than some slow downs. Absolutely make sure u chunk the stock rom from AT&T because it is absolutely horrible. Custom roms are 10x better. Also the FUZE is NOT a MEDIA PLAYER. Dont expect it to be one.
i had a tilt and just went to an iphone, i can say that i am impressed but overly. The iphone is quicker, but i can say that Opera browser is better than safari and i do miss a hardware keypad with a dpad.

also the iphone has a craptastic battery. The Tilt had a much longer battery. But the iphone gps is much faster than the tilts.

app integration is much better with the iphone than WM6

I hate the unlock screen, i would prefer that it just was a hardware lock button like the ipods
I am going to head to an att store in the morning and see if they have a fuze on display, also an iphone. Thanks for the person who mentioned newegg having the fuze for 175.00. I never even thought to check there and they are my favorite place to shop. Just wish I could get it on credit through them, but I will see if I can swing the cash one way or another.
Oh, and with my cricket broadband I am usually between 300 and 400ms on WoW playing two accounts at once on my notebook, I am surprised it runs as good as it does. Can't be doing any PvP but it's great for grinding and taking care of quests. I am curious what my ping would be with 3G
The Eternity is a bad choice, but I think you can find something better for your needs than an iphone - unless you plan to jailbrake it AND you dont mind that even then you'll still have a few gimps. Albeit OS 3.0 is supposedly fixing several big ones, I'm still not hooked on the iphone.
Of course I'm on vzw so take my opinion with a grain of salt ;)
I stopped by one att&t store today, but no live fuze :( I am going to try the mall tomorrow. I have watched a bajillion reviews on it and it really looks like the one for me. I just wish there was a way I could get it on credit for the 200.00 price. Every store links to the same web page, but they all have different prices. I have an old att phone lying around, I think I will use it until I get the cash saved up to buy a fuze outright. Maybe in a month or so there will be a new better phone that just barely came out. Anyone heard anything about any new iphone killer phones that are soon to be released?
As long as you want a pretty kick ass mobile device that has an apple on the back, go for it. But also look at the storm or G1 depending on your carrier. But as for the iPhone, for the love of balls, don't let it fall directly on its back. Everyone of my friends who had an iphone, ended up dropping it on its back causing the screen to shatter.
Please don't get a Storm... What a POS that is. If you have had an even ammount of time with both the iPhone and a Storm like me you would see how shoddy the Storm is. If you want a polished device that is FAST and about as intuitive as a mobile device can be get the iPhone.

This is coming from a guy on Verizon who took back his Storm and got a Curve 8330. What an improvement.

I'm waiting for RIM's second generation full touch phone.

At this point, the iPhone is the ultimate full touch screen device with the G1 (which I also love) a close second.
I looked at going Verizon but none of their phones, including the storm had wifi, not to mention all their phones cost much more then att equivilent.

It looks like os 3.0 for the iphone has many improvements which was holding me back, including tethering, but tethering is carrier specific, and I would prefer to option to go with no data plan in the future if I wanted to cut back on luxuries a little to save money. I can get a refurb iphone from att for 99.00 though, which is pretty tempting.

I have always liked programming with .net, and I assume I could program some programs for any of the windows mobile os's using some kind of mobile .net?

Still trying to decide. I got 30 days before I need to return this samsung eternity, and it is growing on me a little bit. I guess I just had to lower my expectations.
If the Samsung Eternity works for you, then there's no need to spend more on anything else.

My roommates have the BlackBerry Storm and HTC Touch Pro (Verizon version of the HTC Fuze). My thoughts are:

Call quality on the Blackberry Storm is terrible. Clickable touchscreen is a bit iffy for me on first use, but I'm sure it's something you grow into. Phone felt a little slow, but he manages everything rather quickly on it.

Haven't tested the Touch Pro's call quality, but my roommate's been tethered to his charger ever since he ditched the bloaty stuff Verizon put on the phone. Seems to have poor battery life if you're interested in its full speed. Texting is rather snappy and the keyboard is good. The Touch Pro has WiFi but is very expensive even subsidized.

For comparison I have a Nokia N85-1 APAC (unlocked of course) on T-Mobile. Call quality is leaps ahead of the Storm even without 3G support. I actually prefer the vivid QVGA AMOLED to the Touch Pro's VGA display and the Storm's HVGA display, probably just because of the AMOLED nature. Personally I can't live without Symbian S60, so the operating system is way better as well.

I don't know of anyone who's actively unhappy with their iPhone 3G. Most people I know who own it are content with it, but I'd advise against forking over for it if you're happy with your current phone.
Having owned many phones nokia series 60, wm5 wm6, 6.1 6.5 I have to say the iPhone is the best phone I have ever owned. Best browser, media player, best for real 3d games. Get it get it. Everything about it rocks. IF YOU CAN WAIT wait till june and see what iphone 3 has to offer. I'll bet that iphone 3 has video calling.
Should you jump on the bandwagon that has its screws loose and maladjusted yet is made out of gold?
Now even though I am a self proclaimed Apple "hater", I am actually thinking that the iPhone is the best way to go.

There's no reason to stop being hater. I like my iPhone 3G but I will never like Apple.

My biggest gripes will be fixed by 3.0.
On 2.x Safari doesn't crash often anymore. It hasn't crashed since I updated to the latest OS. For some inexplicable reason the OS will eventually start lagging when using the keyboard. You can restore the OS, but it will eventually happen again. This bug has been with the iPhone 3G since launch.
Quick followup - if you are going vzw look into the Omnia ($99 atm), or the OmniaHD (as yet unreleased but probably coming to verizon).
Quick followup - if you are going vzw look into the Omnia ($99 atm),.....

What a disaster that phone is. Its like a complete polar opposite to the iPhone experience. The UI makes me want to kill myself. It couldn't get any more clunky and unresponsive.
Ive had my fuze since the day it came out and I love it. I feel it is just more convenient phone because of all the tethering options and I find the UI great and I have to have a true keyboard, just personal preference. 3 of my family members have iPhones and I still prefer mine.
Just do it, you'll feel like you're missing out when OS 3.0 comes out in a couple months. The only viable alternative I see is the Palm Pre, but that's still an unknown till they hit the streets.
I have had 2 iphones. I had the first version and I also am a apple hater. I played with my brothers and started to use it and ended up buying one. Its a great business phone if you need directions all the time or access email. I dropped that one off a roof by accident when I was working as a tech for direct tv. My 2nd one is a 3G and I love it. The software has vastly improved and with the new firmware on the way it will only get better. I have convinced a ton of people to buy them. Even other apple haters. Its by far the best phone I have had. I cant use it since i'm stuck in Korea for a year now but I still use it on wifi networks for all kinds of stuff. Streaming radio stations from back home on my stero and what not. If you jail break your iphone you can use it as a wifi hot spot for your computer also. The only complaints I can find about it is you can only send one photo per email. Which there supposed to change with firmware 3.0. You wont regret getting one. I didn't and everyone I know hasn't.

On a side note AT&T gets great coverage. I've traveled corner to corner in Washington state and have a signal where ever I go unless its in a valley where no carrier has signal. I've done some traveling in Georgia state as well and has great coverage there. Verizon on the other hand has bad coverage in Washington unless your near major cities.
Having owned many phones nokia series 60, wm5 wm6, 6.1 6.5 I have to say the iPhone is the best phone I have ever owned. Best browser, media player, best for real 3d games. Get it get it. Everything about it rocks. IF YOU CAN WAIT wait till june and see what iphone 3 has to offer. I'll bet that iphone 3 has video calling.

WM6.5 isn't out yet..

Also, here's a quick rundown of upcoming operating systems with iPhone OS 3.0 in the mix:

It's a good read, since most of the true differences between smartphones are grounded in the OS. I must admit, seems like Android is the overall winner, though I feel the analysis of Symbian was somewhat short-sighted ("Medium" software availability? yeah, right..).
I have an Eternity. It's pretty much weaksauce. Texting is nice on it, but the UI is a total doltberg and connectivity software is HORRIBLE.
Yes i admit i was wrong i wasthinking about the wm6 to wm6.1 upgradeon my tilt/8925 . Also is the best resource for wm information.
is this even a real question?

yes get the iphone and be the happiest person ever...because that is everyone's feelings after they take the plunge. iphone > everything including blackberry and anyone who says different is ignorant.