should i get android smart phone

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Aug 13, 2011
is buying a smartphone worth it, I was thinking of buying the nexus prime when it comes out since the original was so critically acclaimed, the only thing that interests me is the mp3 player capabillities, but couldn't i just buy a micro sd for a regular phone, is there some big feature that i'm missing, i'm not understanding why everyone is so invested in smartphones, it just doesn't seem like it's worth the 30-40$ increase on monthly phone bill, i recently pre-ordered a kindle fire for: reading, writing docs, checking rss & mail & playing some little games like plants vs zombies on the go. anyway i always carry a backpack around with me. So carrying around a tablet is not a big deal to me.

So is there any reason why i should buy a smartphone. it just doesn't seem justifiable, seems like the money would be well spent putting it on a beefier graphics card or cpu or subway lol.

CAN AN ADMIN MOVE THIS TO MOBILE PHONES (Accidently put this on wrong thread list)
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Get a Sansa Clip for ~$30 ( ) and keep your existing phone. Slap a micro SD in the Sansa for lots more storage and you are good to go. Only reason I own a smartphone (Droid 2) is because my job issued me one. It's got some cool features/abilities, but I would never pay the monthly fees myself for what I get out of it. Even though I own the Droid, I still use my Sansa exclusively for MP3's/music/audiobooks.
I'm not going to buy the clip, but i'm planning on to buy the sansa fuze when my ipod craps out for sure now.
I think it really depends on your lifestyle and your finances. I wanted a smart phone for years because I had been using Palm devices since the mid/late 90s, but I always felt that the phone companies were going to charge me for everything I did on it so I was on a pre-paid, basic phone for years.

When I finally broke down and got the Evo, I was working partly from home, and occasionally in the office and it allowed me to do about 90% of what I could do on a laptop while I was driving around or commuting.

1. I never used to take pictures because: no camera - solved
2. I like to listen to podcasts - PC download, MP3 sync is a pain - solved
3. I like to carry my large music collection around. 32MB micro-SC - solved
4. I can never remember the names and numbers of people I need to call - solved
5. I frequently need / like access to my personal email and work email - solved
6. My friends and family are mostly far away. Text and Facebook contact is easier on a smart phone
7. Gadgetry, navigation, and general nerdiness is an itch in need of a regular scratch (I can control my home theater with my phone - how cool is that?)
8. Games for me or the kids when bored/stuck somewhere
9. Ability to buy books and music easily (Amazon) and from anywhere
10. Bluetooth wireless headphone listening is awesome
11. Streaming music to my sound system via Bluetooth feels like I live in the future
12. DLNA streaming.
13. I can access / swap files with my PC on my home network.
14. I can, and do overclock my video cards and monitor temps over wifi (Afterburner)
15. I don't like/use laptops except when mandated by work - for me, a powerful desktop and a powerful Android are the best solutions for their use - laptops are too much compromise for me.
16. I watched the entire last season of 24 on Netflix using my Evo and wireless headphones when I was otherwise stuck somewhere.

You're welcome.
you can buy android smartphone,it is cheap and works well. and it will be more popular.
android smart phone is a complete waste of money to me, i would rather invest more money into my kindle fire or a pc as said before

high-end Android phones are a little expensive compared to iphone.

what? $399 for top of the line iphone vs. $299 top of the line android phone

at any rate, OP, I thought an android smartphone was a waste at first, but after you have one, and you realize you dont need your computer for anything suddenly realize they are a great investment, but only if you get a top of the line device, dont cheap out
Just don't buy a motorola smartphone. My X2 hangs on every mp3 I play and it seems to be a common problem. Luckily I don't use my phone as an mp3 player.
If you were to get a smartphone you seem like the perfect candidate for an iPhone. (i.e. not a power user)
I'm always checking in on reddit, various internet forums, and on kakaotalk. I think AT&T offers free returns after 30 days. I didn't have a smartphone for 2-3 years, but I've had an android for a year and I dont know how I got through without a smartphone. I"ve been spoiled, I guess, but it's a good investment.
I think it depends on your life style. But I will say this a smart phone has changed my life style. A smart phone is like a leatherback or any real good multifunctional tool. There is so much it can do in a small size. And it has value because it can make you more productive.

Anyhow sinse you already own a kindle fire that should do much of what a smart phone can do you have to ask yourself this. Do I carry the fire everywhere I go? If you do not because it is too big I think you should think about getting a smart phone which is small enough to always keep in your pocket. The only thing missing in smart phones right now is good office applications maybe as M$ gets into the game more that will change.

There are many people out there who do very little on a PC or laptop they just check email, surf the web and so on. For those people I think they could go with only a smart phone and be good. Smart phones are that capable now.
Package/flight tracking, video chat anywhere, streaming music, instant email, synchronized to-do list/calendars, GPS nav, instant photo uploads, heck even looking up movie times, restaurants and translations... There's a lot of things that can justify that always-on 3G/4G data connection, the phone is just the most convenient way to package it...

Whether it's worth it to you or not is a personal choice, I did a lot of those things on a 2G dumb phone with an unlimited $10 data plan and nothing more than Opera Mini and Google Maps' Java app, a smartphone is certainly a lot more powerful and convenient tho. Plus you can even tether the tablet (or a laptop) to your phone and make use of that connection when you're not near wifi (for free if you root/jailbreak). Altho I also did that with my feature phone, over BT, poky connection but it worked fine for web browsing on a netbook.

I can see how it'd seem semi-redundant if you're in school and you're always carrying a backpack and/or you're almost always near a free wifi hotspot tho. I didn't get a smartphone until I could pay for the extra expense myself.

I hope one day we can just buy one data plan and share it whatever device I happen to be carrying that day... Total pipe dream tho, until then the occasional tethering works well enough. I've got a tablet and I still use the phone far more, tho I probably browse just about as much across the two on some days (with my desktop being relegated to gaming and content creation duties).
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Personally I think until smart phones can replace PC's they are pointless. I'm a heavy smart phone user (no desktop) and I feel other devices can do everything a smartphone can but better. Recently I needed to make an emergency phone call and I almost couldn't because I had used up my battery surfing the web, listening to music, and downloading stuff all day. Besides battery life, performance just isn't the same given all the bugs and software limitations. I've been using a Droid and Droid X by the way. I haven't used any phones newer than them. Hopefully one day this will change.
i think a smartphone is worth it. (depending on which model). Even though you always have your backpack with you, its not always convenient to have to take off your bag, open it, take out your kindle, check stuff, then palce it back.
Being able to take your phone out of your pocket to check an e-mail really fast while you're say in a passenger seat of a car, in class, on the bus, at the movies, or just anywhere in general..

Smartphone games are also really fun lol
Personally I think until smart phones can replace PC's they are pointless. I'm a heavy smart phone user (no desktop) and I feel other devices can do everything a smartphone can but better. Recently I needed to make an emergency phone call and I almost couldn't because I had used up my battery surfing the web, listening to music, and downloading stuff all day. Besides battery life, performance just isn't the same given all the bugs and software limitations. I've been using a Droid and Droid X by the way. I haven't used any phones newer than them. Hopefully one day this will change.

the big thing to me however is that the smartphone is capable enough that in most of those cases i am not hindered enough to want to deal with putting down the phone and using a computer.....the phone in most cases is good enough if not adequate
I can mess around on the internet while driving, google maps, decent camera, can look things up on the internet or check prices quick if I'm out, track my food intake with myfitnesspal, check my calendar whenever, texting is light years better than on a dumb phone, can open most files whenever/wherever. It's pricey but now that I have one I wouldn't be able to live without it.
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