Should I OverClock my 8800GT ?


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2007
I bought the asus 8800GT with the big fan + Heatsink on ram


Its @ 600/1500/1800 right now

I overclocked the core to 660 and its jump about 5-10 C in temp but I didnt saw any improvements in Crysis.

Idle right now is 40C Load I can say about 50C.

I cant control my Fan speed and I can only monitor with SmartDoc. lol

Should I oc it more to have any improvements ? without fuking up my card with heat ?
That is an incredibly impressive heat sink if your load is only getting to 50C. I use ATItool's artifact scan to test my load temp (easy to watch the temp as the test is going on).

But it sounds like your temps are still well below average already. So I don't think I'd be worry about temps. A lot of these stock 8800GT cards are warming up into the 90+C range by comparison and still seem to be surviving. :)
This is the [H]. The answer to "should I overclock my ____" is always YES! :rolleyes:

Wouldn't hurt to swap out that puny cooler. "Should I mod my ____" is also always yes.
what? no one has stressed that OCing can void your warranty? :rolleyes:

Clock that baby up! and post your results...may help someone else out. just dont let any of the magic blue smoke out.

what are your noise levels with that card? what kind of ventilation in your case?
what? no one has stressed that OCing can void your warranty? :rolleyes:

Clock that baby up! and post your results...may help someone else out. just dont let any of the magic blue smoke out.

what are your noise levels with that card? what kind of ventilation in your case?

I cant hear that VideoCard Fan lol. My 120mm Case fan is alot more louder.

CPU is air cooled with amd fan.
120mm Case Fan with 3 Speed. (Its at Hi)

and the fan on the videocard.. thats all

What should I oc ? I know about core but what about Shader and Memory.

This is part of why EVGA is so popular here. They don't care. :D

OP has Asus, no clue how that works.

I am Ocing with Asus Software eh.
I am Ocing with Asus Software eh.

Was talking about the warranty issue.

BTW, Asus usually writes shitty software. Install Ntune and do it through the nVidia Control Panel. May also want to install toys like ATItool (yeah I know it says ATI, but it has an error/artifact detection system that's helpful).
nTune just makes my comp crash. o and I cant monitor anything with RiveTuner
i would start with core speeds as a whole. and then RAM.

for me it is not just finding the fastest settings for me. i like to find the sweet spot where performance and cost meet. i dont care for another 10fps if my temps go up in direct correlation to frames.

i asked about your case, because it has a large impact on your temps inside the case.

I cant hear that VideoCard Fan lol. My 120mm Case fan is alot more louder


post ur results
I think the question is, how much should I OC my 8800GT? :D try 650/1600/1900 for a while and see how it does.. then maybe push it to 700/1700/2000 and see what happens. If you're feeling more cautious, try pushing the core in 25mhz increments, the shaders and mem in 50mhz increments until you reach your targets.. make sure you have good case ventilation! good luck!

PS: I like rivatuner for OCing.. but the new Ntune 6.0 beta is pretty nice also.
I've always used RivaTuner although on my 8800GT it detects my fan speed as 100% all the time for some reason.

Anyway just keep adding a few mhz, running a test (something 3D), adding more, etc. until you get artifacts (stretched polygons, random pixels and so on)...then go down a bit. See what the most stable speeds are and make sure they don't heat up your card too much...and see if they make a noticible difference in terms of game performance.
I bought the asus 8800GT with the big fan + Heatsink on ram


Totally unrelated to performance (except for bling!) what model is that; as I thought, except for maybe black, my only choice for pcb was green? Also the cooling solution looks like it would lend itself to overclocking.