Should I pick up a pair of Bose Around-Ear headphones? Convince me otherwise?


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2009
I have a pair of Ultimate Ears Super.Fi5EB and they are decent, but I dont feel like the sound stands out too much. The bass is present, but they don't hit very low. I use them in my office at work, but I'm looking for another pair of either headphones or earphones for home.

I hope I wont start a flame war with this thread, I am well aware of why "audiophiles" think Bose sucks, blah blah. To be honest, I didnt have a good impression of Bose from reading what everyone has to say and I still dont like some of their products because they dont sound that great to me. That being said, I've been in the Apple store several times and Ive listed to the Bose Around-Ear headphones. Simply put, I love the sound. I can hear details in the music, and the bass is smooth and deep. As much as I would love to jump on the Bose hating bandwagon, the Around-Ears sound great to me.

I really would like to pick these up, I guess what's holding me back is all the anti-Bose hate. I couldnt (so far) find any other set that stands out like the Bose. I really enjoy the sound, but Im wondering if I will regret it in the future. I would like to keep this below $250 Canadian, so maybe you guys have other suggestions for me to look at?

Or for those that don't think Bose sounds good, maybe suggest what I should be listening for in the Around-Ears to suggest poor quality? Sound wise, I like deep bass and detail. I dont think I am too concerned with accuracy, as long as I enjoy it.
That isn't smooth and deep bass you hear with the Bose, it's muddied, washed out, and has no punch. Also, Bose cans (at least the tri-ports and quiet comforts) have horrendous mids and highs. You don't sound like you've heard a lot of other headphones, which isn't an insult but it is a suggestion that you go audition another good pair immediately.

IMO in-ear monitors like your UEs aren't really comparable to good headphones in a comparable price range.

A less expensive pair of Sony MDR 7506s will just about crush the Bose cans in every way possible. Find a pair of Sennheiser HD-25-1's, which will do the same.
I had the AE's for about two weeks (let me qualify before I say anything else, just order them from (ONLY BOSE.COM), you get 30 days to return them, and they'll refund shipping as well (more on this later))

about 4 months ago, I decided I'd pick up a pair of AE's and see how they worked out, I know a lot of audiophiles and snobs were saying "no you're a moron you're just buying those to flash cash" and whatever, so I placed my order, they arrived within a few days, and honestly, the sound was great, it wasn't "bathtub shaped" or "no highs, no lows" or any other extreme, it got along great with music and games, and as good as any other headphone I've heard for movies (I don't think movies and headphones are a made match in most cases)

my only issue with the AE's was a fit problem, I have a big head, and after ~5 hours of wearing them, I'd get a headache (didn't matter at what volume, or even if no music was playing, before some smartass says "because the sound sucks that bad"), so I called Bose up, and they said to return them and apologized for the fit issues, the specific issue is just how the earcup sits over my ear, theres a little bit of plastic on the inside that holds the earpad on, and it pushes on the bone behind my ear -> headache (I have fit issues with other headphones as well, sold a pair of Denon AH-D2000's for the same reason, and those are generally viewed as "very comfortable" by most peoeple)

the headphones I've ultimately settled on for long term usage are a pair of AKG's (and as a secondary pair, a pair of Koss' which are hands down the best thing I've ever heard, they didn't make the Bose "sound like dogmeat" by comparison, of course we aren't talking about something like 3DMark scores though), which fit me better (they adjust when you put them on), although as far as hearing footsteps in games, or listening to music, I don't feel I've gained anything or lost anything either way between them, since I had both pairs at one time, I compared them a bit, and honestly theres nothing "bad" about either of them

as far as why to buy only from, because only "official Bose stores" will give you the 30 day money back thing, if you go with Amazon you have to deal Amazon's 15% charge on returned headphones and paying return shipping, not to mention the price is very likely to be the same $139.99 either way

based on their return policy alone, I'd say go for it, if you get something you like, who cares if someone else disagrees, and if you absolutely hate it, RMA the suckers back and you've got your $140 back to try something else

if you've got questions, I'd be happy to try and answer them, but the best advice I can give you is go ahead and try them out, see what you think for yourself

That isn't smooth and deep bass you hear with the Bose, it's muddied, washed out, and has no punch. Also, Bose cans (at least the tri-ports and quiet comforts) have horrendous mids and highs. You don't sound like you've heard a lot of other headphones, which isn't an insult but it is a suggestion that you go audition another good pair immediately.

a million billion dollars said a post like this was going to happen before I could hit submit, and now the flamewar begins *sigh*
Well I will admit I havent tried many headphones, so Davidion is right there. However, I've listened to alot of equipment and I do have a good feeling on the type of sound I like. The most impressive sound Ive heard is at the local THX certified Cineplex. I just love how the details stand out "in your face." That's kind of the sound quality I try to aim for when purchasing equipment. It's hard to find a place that will have a whole variety of headphones to listen to. At the Apple store, it's mostly just Bose stuff, so it is a bit difficult to get a fair comparison.

With most of the Bose products Ive heard, it does indeed sound like certain frequencies are exaggerated or modified more so than others, so I can see why people will accuse it of not being accurate. But strangely, it sounds good to me, which is all I really care about. Im not a strict audiophile or a muscian.

I have a medium head and my ears aren't too big. The Bose Around-Ears fit me perfectly....they are VERY comfortable. I did consider buying it online, since has a 10% off deal. For conveniance I was thinking maybe just stopping by at Futureshop and get them to pricematch.
Well I will admit I havent tried many headphones, so Davidion is right there. However, I've listened to alot of equipment and I do have a good feeling on the type of sound I like. The most impressive sound Ive heard is at the local THX certified Cineplex. I just love how the details stand out "in your face." That's kind of the sound quality I try to aim for when purchasing equipment. It's hard to find a place that will have a whole variety of headphones to listen to. At the Apple store, it's mostly just Bose stuff, so it is a bit difficult to get a fair comparison.

With most of the Bose products Ive heard, it does indeed sound like certain frequencies are exaggerated or modified more so than others, so I can see why people will accuse it of not being accurate. But strangely, it sounds good to me, which is all I really care about. Im not a strict audiophile or a muscian.

I have a medium head and my ears aren't too big. The Bose Around-Ears fit me perfectly....they are VERY comfortable. I did consider buying it online, since has a 10% off deal. For conveniance I was thinking maybe just stopping by at Futureshop and get them to pricematch.

the issue with Futureshop is you won't get the 30 day return thing from Bose's website, so if you dislike them, you're at Futureshop's mercy on product returns (and returning headphones is usually a PITA due to the whole sanitary thing), really hate sounding a broken record, I just know that being able to return something you're on the fence is probably a bit more valuable than saving $5 up front, at least for me

bottom line is (in my opinion):
if YOU like it, its YOUR money and YOUR hearing, regardless of what "it" is, if you want to spend a million dollars on Kef speakers and a Wavac amplifier, go right ahead, if you want to spend a hundred dollars on Bose headphones, go right ahead as well, nothing is "wrong" or "evil" or "bad" about either avenue, as long as you aren't doing it to appease someone else's opinion
I have a pair of standard bose tri-port headphones and they suck quite a lot. They're uncomfortable and the bass is just plain weak.
I have a pair of standard bose tri-port headphones and they suck quite a lot. They're uncomfortable and the bass is just plain weak.

Yeah they are a nice example of Bose's overpriced suckage.

I got them as a gift when they first came out ($200 I think) and promptly returned them. :D
If you want some good bass.

Look into Beyerdynamics or Denon headphones.

BOSE = Buy Other Sound Equipment
When it comes to bass, I dont think I can tell too much of a difference as long as it hits low and smooth. What I am really looking for is the "in your face" sound and detail that you hear at a THX theatre. Im not too big of a fan of the pure accurate, boring sound (aka Etymotics). Any recommendations?
When it comes to bass, I dont think I can tell too much of a difference as long as it hits low and smooth. What I am really looking for is the "in your face" sound and detail that you hear at a THX theatre. Im not too big of a fan of the pure accurate, boring sound (aka Etymotics). Any recommendations?

well, aside from even trying the Bose solution (Because we all know you'll burn in hell for that :rolleyes:)

in your face sound and detail, Grado Labs, no questions asked
I don't think most audiophiles necessarily think all Bose products plain out suck... However most audiophiles will generally agree that most Bose products are definitely overpriced and over hyped (where most of Bose's dollar is going, marketing). If you love the sound of those headphones then pick 'em up and be happy... But I'd at 'least try listening to the alternatives first, even if it's a lil' bit of work finding somewhere you can demo them.

You may find you're just as happy (or better off) spending half as much...
I don't think most audiophiles necessarily think all Bose products plain out suck... However most audiophiles will generally agree that most Bose products are definitely overpriced and over hyped (where most of Bose's dollar is going, marketing). If you love the sound of those headphones then pick 'em up and be happy... But I'd at 'least try listening to the alternatives first, even if it's a lil' bit of work finding somewhere you can demo them.

You may find you're just as happy (or better off) spending half as much...

This. Our friend here has given you a very nice piece of advice.

Why don´t you check out some local store and see if they have Grado Labs, AKG, Koss, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Sony so you can try some out? Seriously, there are so many other great brands you can try that will give better performing headphones for the money.

Just my 2 cents.
Ughhhh ok guys, I have to admit, you were all mostly right. A friend let me borrow the Bose Around-Ears for a few hours and I have to admit...they sound pretty bad. Better than most cheap earbuds/headphones of course, but I think my Ultimate Ears Super.Fi.5EB sounds better. The bass feels more present, but they don't actually hit that low. I ran a sine sweep, and it seem to cut off at around 50hz. That's really strange, because I could have sworn they sounded very good to me at first at the Apple store. I wouldnt say they are as extremely terrible as some people make it out to be, but the sound signature is just...different...

Anyways, I am open to suggestions. Now that I think about it, maybe I should stick with IEMs instead of headphones. For extended hours, I think they would feel more natural. Any suggestions? The Atrio M8 seem very popular. Klipsch has some interesting new models as well...
Ughhhh ok guys, I have to admit, you were all mostly right. A friend let me borrow the Bose Around-Ears for a few hours and I have to admit...they sound pretty bad. Better than most cheap earbuds/headphones of course, but I think my Ultimate Ears Super.Fi.5EB sounds better. The bass feels more present, but they don't actually hit that low. I ran a sine sweep, and it seem to cut off at around 50hz. That's really strange, because I could have sworn they sounded very good to me at first at the Apple store. I wouldnt say they are as extremely terrible as some people make it out to be, but the sound signature is just...different...

Anyways, I am open to suggestions. Now that I think about it, maybe I should stick with IEMs instead of headphones. For extended hours, I think they would feel more natural. Any suggestions? The Atrio M8 seem very popular. Klipsch has some interesting new models as well...

glad you tested them out for yourself :)

I'd still suggest trying a pair of Grado's if you like the direct sound, other than that, don't have many suggestions, personally I can't stand IEMs
I am willing to put my $.02 in here, I am very partial to my Sennhiser 555s, the other option from them would be the HD295s for complete isolation, as for other brands I haven't looked in to them myself but as others have suggested see if you can hit up a store that has headphones on display, like a music store or something, Radio Shack used to have a large display like that but they mostly had the Koss, Sony, RCA and such under 50 buck range.
Bose is crap. People will point and laugh at you. Convinced?

wow, you've sure sold me, I don't wanna be laughed at by someone on a forum, and I sure want my purchases to speak to my personality and show everyone else how cool I am :cool:
What does that have to do with the FACT that Bose is garbage?

Stop jumping on my back.
What does that have to do with the FACT that Bose is garbage?

Stop jumping on my back.

again, you've entirely sold me with your opinionated comments

I see zero objective proof of a thing you've said, you just dislike the brand, apparently that counts as fact around these parts

SO without further ado, a list of things which are now, and forever will be, undisputable FACT:

you don't need to breathe to survive
AMD Duron is the fastest CPU ever built for any application ever designed
VHS is the final word for audio quality, period.
audiophile grade cables do make a difference, all the time, and are a valid improvement to any system, period.

see, I can make random claims with no proof and they become fact too :)
Wow Im sorry guys...I should have known a thread in Bose would have lead to these kind of arguments.

Anyways, after experiencing Bose I am not entirely convinced they sound like garbage as many Bose bashers would say. They are definitely overpriced, but the sound does have a distinct sound signature which is very different than other manufacturers, and I can see how some people can enjoy that type of sound. I dont think there is anything wrong with that.
Unfortunately a lot of people consider that one a fact :p


the point wasn't really to make a point either way, but I guess that one actually does make some sort of point :eek:

bottom line:
its just a fuckin pair of headphones/speakers, who cares if it has Bose, Aiwa, or Sonus-Faber stamped on it, it shouldn't create this much emotional distress for people :(
Well, it's the internet created causes, and people naturally get a little over-zealous when they are involved in causes. The cause to overcome companies marketing and provide actual factual information on particular products becomes slightly exaggerated over time. So, not necessarily a bad thing, but needs to be adjusted for in discussions :p It's a good thing to fight for, and should be kept up, but just needs to be kept in line with intelligent arguments and not emotional responses.
Well, it's the internet created causes, and people naturally get a little over-zealous when they are involved in causes. The cause to overcome companies marketing and provide actual factual information on particular products becomes slightly exaggerated over time. So, not necessarily a bad thing, but needs to be adjusted for in discussions :p It's a good thing to fight for, and should be kept up, but just needs to be kept in line with intelligent arguments and not emotional responses.

would have to agree with you there :)
again, you've entirely sold me with your opinionated comments

I see zero objective proof of a thing you've said, you just dislike the brand, apparently that counts as fact around these parts

SO without further ado, a list of things which are now, and forever will be, undisputable FACT:

you don't need to breathe to survive
AMD Duron is the fastest CPU ever built for any application ever designed
VHS is the final word for audio quality, period.
audiophile grade cables do make a difference, all the time, and are a valid improvement to any system, period.

see, I can make random claims with no proof and they become fact too :)

No, Bose is junk. It's a fact. Compare Bose headphones to any decent set of Senns, Denons, or even Koss for that matter! lol

Bose has a sound of their own. They have engineered a built in bias of what they think sounds best for you. There is no transparency. I've read your other replies in other threads and I think you are the embodiment of Bose audio design...meaning you know what is the best for the rest of us and have made up our minds for us.
No, Bose is junk. It's a fact. Compare Bose headphones to any decent set of Senns, Denons, or even Koss for that matter! lol

Bose has a sound of their own. They have engineered a built in bias of what they think sounds best for you. There is no transparency. I've read your other replies in other threads and I think you are the embodiment of Bose audio design...meaning you know what is the best for the rest of us and have made up our minds for us.

so now you're making up my mind for me, and tell me what I am?

my general perspective (if you really have to know), is that people should decide for themselves, regardless of what that decision nets them, so how am I the embodiment of "Bose audio design"? (I don't even own a Bose product, and have only ever owned one in my lifetime, it went back after two weeks because I wasn't satisfied)

honestly you've provided zero evidence to support your "factual" claim, other than your opinion, hence my objection

as far as "Bose has a sound of their own", every manufacturer does, and every manufacturer wants to say their sound is the best for their customers, whats the issue with marketing?

now, if you asked me "do you like the Bose sound?", generally I'd answer not really, it doesn't do much for me, I don't hate it, and I don't love it, but why get so emotional over them marketing their house sound just like everyone else?

and before you talk crap about Koss, learn your history
my general perspective (if you really have to know), is that people should decide for themselves, regardless of what that decision nets them

This is true. It is a little vexing though, well for me anyway, when you talk to someone who wants to get into sound when the first thing they think of as "good sound" is Bose. Now it takes you 10 minutes to open them up to the idea that there's really no such thing as one brand fits all, and that they have a lot of other options open to them. It's kind of like dealing with the aftermath of an effective marketing campaign :p

as far as "Bose has a sound of their own", every manufacturer does, and every manufacturer wants to say their sound is the best for their customers, whats the issue with marketing?

Every manufacturer does have their own unique sound signature which gets applied to their products, which is why I have multiple headphones of different brands standing on my desk. Certain brands go well with different types of music and/or moods. For all these manufacturers to compete in an open market, they can't simply limit themselves openly to a particular audience, and try to reach as many people as they can so they don't get too far into detail about how their particular products sound. Not that it's really required, as the people who know what they're after can do their research.

I think it comes down to that we choose one person to be the guy to pick on, and that's how we unite ourselves in a common cause :p Something usually sets this off, as they're not picked at random, as far as Bose is concerned I'm not too sure on the specifics as I never really cared one way or another what a company does. I've always felt a little angst at companies who over-charge for sub-standard products, but in a capitalist society this is the end goal of any company that isn't too concerned on customer satisfaction but more on wealth.

and before you talk crap about Koss, learn your history

Koss are a little behind in the popularity segment atm, yet they certainly know what they're doing to be sure.
I am willing to put my $.02 in here, I am very partial to my Sennhiser 555s, the other option from them would be the HD295s for complete isolation, as for other brands I haven't looked in to them myself but as others have suggested see if you can hit up a store that has headphones on display, like a music store or something, Radio Shack used to have a large display like that but they mostly had the Koss, Sony, RCA and such under 50 buck range.

Ehh, I like the Senn HD555, but it seems like it's the complete opposite of what the OP is looking for (as far as sound signature). The Grados suggestion was right on.

Wait, is this now OT as far as the thread is concerned? I wouldn't want to stray from the usual rant-fest that this kind of thread usually descends into... :p
This is true. It is a little vexing though, well for me anyway, when you talk to someone who wants to get into sound when the first thing they think of as "good sound" is Bose. Now it takes you 10 minutes to open them up to the idea that there's really no such thing as one brand fits all, and that they have a lot of other options open to them. It's kind of like dealing with the aftermath of an effective marketing campaign :p

Every manufacturer does have their own unique sound signature which gets applied to their products, which is why I have multiple headphones of different brands standing on my desk. Certain brands go well with different types of music and/or moods. For all these manufacturers to compete in an open market, they can't simply limit themselves openly to a particular audience, and try to reach as many people as they can so they don't get too far into detail about how their particular products sound. Not that it's really required, as the people who know what they're after can do their research.

I think it comes down to that we choose one person to be the guy to pick on, and that's how we unite ourselves in a common cause :p Something usually sets this off, as they're not picked at random, as far as Bose is concerned I'm not too sure on the specifics as I never really cared one way or another what a company does. I've always felt a little angst at companies who over-charge for sub-standard products, but in a capitalist society this is the end goal of any company that isn't too concerned on customer satisfaction but more on wealth.

Koss are a little behind in the popularity segment atm, yet they certainly know what they're doing to be sure.

again I agree

one thing I will say regarding Bose, their customer service is better than what you'd expect for an otherwise average product, maybe thats part of the price hike? (just thinking aloud)

and I don't think the issue is trying to convince them away from Bose, but more tyring to convince them away from the "Best Buy" style thinking (that there is a "good", "Better", "best" linear system of performance and that more money always buys more quality, and that louder is always better, and so on and so on)
that there is a "good", "Better", "best" linear system of performance and that more money always buys more quality, and that louder is always better, and so on and so on

Hehe, tooo true. Back in school when asking someone about the quality of their sound system the usual response was "It's freaking loud!", after school it became "These speakers cost me $5000!"
I just picked up a set of Grado Labs SR60's for $75, needless to say, I am very happy with my purchase. They don't put out incredible amounts of bass pressure because it's not what they are made for. They make the music sound like it's supposed to.

These SR60's are the cheapest headphone that GL offers.
I just picked up a set of Grado Labs SR60's for $75, needless to say, I am very happy with my purchase. They don't put out incredible amounts of bass pressure because it's not what they are made for. They make the music sound like it's supposed to.

These SR60's are the cheapest headphone that GL offers.

The SR60i are least expensive full size cans that Grado Labs currently offers. Grado manufactures their SR60i cans in the US. The iGrado cans neckbands use the SR60 drivers and were designed in the US but are made in China and they retail for $49.

From :

"Grado headphones are the antithesis of mass production, as each Grado headphone is hand-assembled and closely scrutinized to meet full performance specifications in the U.S.A."

"iGrado Series
iGrado: Grado’s version of a portable knock-around headphone. Perfect for use with all portable devices. The headphone housing is designed by Grado but manufactured in China. Grado sends their SR60 drivers to China and has the headphones assembled there thus enabling an economically produced headphone unrivaled at its price.
Sound: good bass, good resolution and smooth sound."

"Prestige Series
SR60i: This headphone has gained “LEGENDARY” status. The SR60 has received rave reviews from around the world and is the most commonly recommended headphone on the market today. The SR60 was the Stereophile’s “PRODUCT OF THE YEAR” in two categories, “The Accessory of Year” and the more prestigious “Budget Component of Year”.
Sound: good bass, excellent resolution, very smooth sound."
People bash BOSE all day long. The stuff is definitely overpriced. NOBODY questions that. Their stuff is hardly garbage though. Everyone has a different opinion about what sounds good. Some people want studio accurate. Some people want a "fun" sounds that is bassy and top end heavy. I personally bought a pair of triport OE off of the forum here and I LOVE them. I listen to mostly industrial metal and harder rock and for that they kick. I had heard them before and knew they had a "kick you in the face" bass quality too them. I bought a pair about 2 years ago and buyer's remorse kicked in due to the 179 retail price tag. For MY purposes nothing else has even come close since then so when I saw a deal I was all over them.
Over-ear headphones are called circumaural. I don't mean to be the grammar-nazi, I think it'll be helpful if you are doing online searches.
I personally like the Audio Technica ES-7 as a better alternative to the Bose OE. Better fun sounding headphone than the Bose and a much better build quality too. They're also freakin gorgeous.
hope this thread doesn't turn into cleverly disguised troll bait. wonder how many have owned a set of bose headphones?
hope this thread doesn't turn into cleverly disguised troll bait. wonder how many have owned a set of bose headphones?

doesn't turn into? I think it already is...:(

and I can say I have owned a set of bose headphones, of course this automatically makes me a sheeple and whatever other insult of the day in most people's enlightened eyes :eek:
Understanding bringing this back to life could be considered murderous... I'm going to use neglect in judgement and say that I was in an Apple store yesterday and loved the Bose AE headphones. But I'm going to take the advice of others here and at least try some others out.

Anyone got some good recommendations for places to try out headphones in the Seattle/Tacoma area?

I listen to music at work (pandora).

I have no problem dropping $130 on good headphones if they're the best for the price but am not convinced they are until I check some other ones out.