Should I SLI or not?


Jun 10, 2002
I am in the process of putting together my buying list for a new rig and I am trying to determine if I should go SLI or not. I have some questions that may seem dumb to some, but I am a noob when it comes to sli so please be gentle:

In order to see any benefit from two video cards will I need a 30” monitor?
How much power do the video cards have to have? As an example, do I need
a 8800 GTS OC or will an 8600 work just as well?
If I decide to by on card now and another later will this seriously degrade the
performance of the monitor and the game experience?
Is there a “best practice” method for purchasing SLI components?
For all of you who have taken the plunge, would you do it again?
Is the perceived value worth the expense?

If there is anything else I should consider please let me know.
Thank you
you dont "need" a 30" monitor, just higher resolutions like 1600 + is where SLI / xfire benefit with AA and AF cranked

personally i say wait till the r600 comes out to see how powerful it will be

to me no reason getting 2 8600's in SLI when you can get a single 8800 that would be just as pwoerful in most cases.

I see no reason to go SLI unless you by the 2 high end or next one down cards. as often anything lower a single high end card can match the performance of 2 lower cards in sli and if you want to upgrade you only need to buy 1 more card instead of sell 2 lower end cards.
Thanks for the response
Now I am confused. I thought you needed a Dual Link DVI connection in order to use two GPU's. I have not seen any monitors other than 30" that have this feature. Do you have to have it? If not, how do you connect two GPU's?

you dont "need" a 30" monitor, just higher resolutions like 1600 + is where SLI / xfire benefit with AA and AF cranked

personally i say wait till the r600 comes out to see how powerful it will be

to me no reason getting 2 8600's in SLI when you can get a single 8800 that would be just as pwoerful in most cases.

I see no reason to go SLI unless you by the 2 high end or next one down cards. as often anything lower a single high end card can match the performance of 2 lower cards in sli and if you want to upgrade you only need to buy 1 more card instead of sell 2 lower end cards.
You only need the SLI Bridge that comes with your motherboard. It connects the two cards together. Also he is saying that sLI benefits you the most when you use higher resolutions, ie on larger monitors.
ok a bit of a nub question here.. but with SLI which card do you connect your monitor to? or does it matter?
Connect your monitor to your orginal, main card - the 2nd card is there to increase GPU processing power.

But as previous posters said, SLI is only justified if you're going to be using graphics at high resolutions. And you need two high end cards. Two medium-end cards in SLI isn't worth it.
So if you're getting a 30" monitor and want to play the latest games at high resolution with everything on, then SLI of the best card you can get may be justified. May be justified for 24" monitors as well.

Below 24" forget it - just go single high-end card.
Connect your monitor to your orginal, main card - the 2nd card is there to increase GPU processing power.

But as previous posters said, SLI is only justified if you're going to be using graphics at high resolutions. And you need two high end cards. Two medium-end cards in SLI isn't worth it.
So if you're getting a 30" monitor and want to play the latest games at high resolution with everything on, then SLI of the best card you can get may be justified. May be justified for 24" monitors as well.

Below 24" forget it - just go single high-end card.
what he said.
Only reason I can see going sli is high resolution monitors or if you have the need for 2 video cards. My gaming computer is also my htpc for the living room. I use 2 midrange cards in sli for gaming and independent for everything else. So I have my 2nd montior and tv hooked to the secondary video card and my main monitor hooked to the primary video card. It allows me to use my computer while my daughters are watching a movie on the tv. And I can still get great performance when I am gaming by enabling sli.