Should I upgrade my gtx 260?


Feb 9, 2008
I currently have a gtx 260 216 superclocked with 12 days remaining to use my evga step up. I paid $285 for the card.

These are my options:
1. Keep my current card and no step up
2. Step up to a GTX 285 ($100 additional cost)
3. Step up to a gtx 260 216 55mm (non superclocked) at no additional cost

Core i7 920 system @ 3.5hgz, 6gig ram, I play at 1680 by 1050

I currently have a gtx 260 216 superclocked with 12 days remaining to use my evga step up. I paid $285 for the card.

These are my options:
1. Keep my current card and no step up
2. Step up to a GTX 285 ($100 additional cost)
3. Step up to a gtx 260 216 55mm (non superclocked) at no additional cost

Core i7 920 system @ 3.5hgz, 6gig ram, I play at 1680 by 1050


At that resolution I would say stay put. Unless you are going to be buying a 24" monitor any time soon than you don't really need a 285 unless you have money to burn.
well, normally that wouldnt be a worthwhile upgrade but since your step up will end in 12 days you might as well use it or lose it. Go for the 55nm 260 since its not gonna cost u nothin then overclock it. you'll get the same performance as a GTX 280. So if its not gonna cost u nothin, then why not.
I'd get the 55nM.
It has a worse cooler but uses less power at idle and has a better chance of high overclocks.
As pointed out, it clocks to around GTX280 performance.
The worse cooler has no real impact as the heat is vented outside of the case.

I just ordered one today which should be here tomorrow.
If interested I can post some results, it will be clocked as far as it can go.
hmm, i thought they kept the cooler the same?

No it has the end of the sink chopped off.
Its not really an issue as clock for clock the 55nM produces less heat.
When gaming highly overclocked, the hot air is vented outside the case anyway.
If you were unable get a decent overclock then the small cooler would be an issue but overclocks look good.

Just for kicks, I'm getting the new Accelero Xtreme GTX 280 cooler
Its only just appeared so isnt for sale yet.
It has been reported to drop load temps on an overclocked GTX280 by 30C.