should i wait till january to upgrade?


Jan 12, 2003
my pc is in need of well a whole new pc, i can wait a few months longer for the next great cpu to be released and pair it with a 8800 or should i just buy a duel core now and be happy
I think you should do whatever you want to do and if you don't want to do it then you shouldn't do it.
I think you should do whatever you want to do and if you don't want to do it then you shouldn't do it.

so tired of these stupid fucking replies. Give useful input or shut your fucking mouth.
I never say wait when looking to buy new parts. if you have the money and feel you would like to upgrade than do it. I've said it before and I'll say it here. The worst and silliest thing ever is waiting in a continuous cycle waiting to upgrade,
The q6600 should be good for the next 6 months at least. No need to waste money on the penryn.
I think what CRXican should of said was that if there is something out now at a price you think is reasonable that you would be happy with then you should buy it.

With PC componets there is always something new about to come out but when it comes out people will tell you if you wait 3 months it will be 30% cheaper but by that time the next new thing is only 6mo down the road.
actually penryn isnt even coming out in january..

i'd say go for it now, and if you really want that next gen card.. get a decent 100 dollar one then upgrade to the new card later. and resell the 100 dollar one (like an 8600)
If you are hurting now, then upgrade - prices are great on CPUs right now and the 8800GT is a monster if you can find one. You could wait for the Penryns, but that's late-Jan at least, maybe Feb and while they will be better, is it enough to make it worth the wait? Personally, if I didn't already have a C2D I would probably be in the market to upgrade myself.
Penryn IS coming out in January. Wolfdale's that is. Wait and get a $280 E8500 and have the highest overclocking chip on air available.
i don't want to tell you what to do but i go by the rule that the sooner I upgrade, the sooner it is until my next upgrade...more upgrades = more fun