Should I...


Aug 29, 2007
For my next upgrade, should I...

A. Keep my current BFG GeForce 8800 GTS 320 OC2 and add a 2nd card for SLI.

B. Sell the 8800 GTS 320 and use the money towards the GTX (with future SLI possibility).

My Current rig is: C2D e6700, 2 Gb OCZ DDR2 (nVIDIA sli-ready), and the aforementioned 8800GTS 320.
Sell the 320mb and get a 640 or gtx, you will be memory limited with sli 320's. But that said, don't upgrade til you have problems with games.
Well, Bioshock demo ran smooth as hell, but only at 1280x1024, because of my monitor.
at 1280x1024 the 320 GTS will rip through any game out there maxed w/ 2 or 4x AA. If you get a new monitor that supports 1900xXXXX or higher resolution and plan on running games thus, then you will start running out of memory (especially with AA enabled). I have a 22" Samsung 226BW and it's treated me well with this 320 card. In win XP Bioshock runs great and I have never seen it use more than 300mb of video ram at max, 0xAA 16xAF and 1680x1050. Personally I'd skip the 8800GTX and wait for the next series of cards which should be along right in time for Crysis..
at 1280x1024 the 320 GTS will rip through any game out there maxed w/ 2 or 4x AA. If you get a new monitor that supports 1900xXXXX or higher resolution and plan on running games thus, then you will start running out of memory (especially with AA enabled). I have a 22" Samsung 226BW and it's treated me well with this 320 card. In win XP Bioshock runs great and I have never seen it use more than 300mb of video ram at max, 0xAA 16xAF and 1680x1050. Personally I'd skip the 8800GTX and wait for the next series of cards which should be along right in time for Crysis..

I hear G92 is nothing but an OC'ed 8800 series...
No thats called rumor.

Even bigfoot, ferries and Santa all have more chance of being real then that article.

Its funny to see how many noobies jumped all over that article like a fat kid on a cupcake.
So I assume that your not going to sell this video card to me now. Since your not answering the pm's I sent you. Remember you contacted me first.
Even bigfoot, ferries and Santa all have more chance of being real then that article.

Its funny to see how many noobies jumped all over that article like a fat kid on a cupcake.

So what you're saying VR-Zone is full of sh!#, and can't be trusted with any information? Well that can be said about anything that hasn't been physically introduced into the public, it's just rumor. And just because it says "noobie" next to a username, the person isn't necessarily a "noob". It may just mean the user doesn't have hours on end to make posts.
I find it funny how many assumptions are made by people just because of a "tag" next to name.