Shout-out to Samsung Support!


Limp Gawd
Jan 29, 2005
I just got off the phone with Samsung's tech support regarding my 2 month-old SyncMaster 1100DF 21" monitor--

It has these radiating lines/imperfections in the image, and has from the start, though I admit that they aren't extremely obvious unless you know they're there. Of course, it's now all I see.

After much hesitation and delay, I finally decided to call in to their 800 # and see what kind of torture I'd have to go through to get the monster fixed/replaced.


None whatsoever :cool:

I was talking to a rep within 5 minutes from calling, and hung up 12 minutes later, with a brand-new monitor on the way to my local UPS Store for exchange at zero cost to me.

Absolutely painless and professional all the way!

Just thought I'd share a positive experience in a world of bad service and support-- it's nice to know it's still around, and I'm now a newly dedicated Samsung customer :D

Thats cool, I might be calling them in the near future. My problem isn't as bad as that probably but I hope they can either help me out or replace it.
