Show off your OSX desktop

@ranviper - I would love if you can point me to the source of your two wallpapers? I tried Tineye but I can't find a big enough version, or they are all unavailable.
After experimenting a little more with GeekTool and some other stuff, Ive found what I think is my favorite UI for Mac in a long time.

Compslckr... where do you find the widgets that display all the information. I finally got myself a new iMac 21.5" and would love to have that stuff on my screen.
They are all pretty simple. All that geektool does is display things that you can get from terminal on your desktop, and offer the ability to choose different fonts for that information.

For example, if you open terminal and run 'date' you will get the date like this
zacmac:~ zac$ date
Thu May 12 20:02:17 EDT 2011

From there you can grep / awk out the info you want.

Some of the other things I have on my desktop are uptime and ifconfig.

For news / streams you pretty much need an rss feed, and a little trial and error

For example, my "dealnews feed" looks like this:

curl --silent | grep title | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba' | head -n13

basically pulls the feed, then greps for what I want to display

I found the gmail one online somewhere, same with the weather one. I did a little tweaking on the weather to get more info

Current conditions:
curl --silent "" | grep -a1 "Current Conditions" | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba'

curl --silent "" | grep -A2 "Forecast:" | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba'

Let me know if you need any more help getting started.
Cool thanks I will have to try those out. Where did you learn the programming language to be able to use create those scripts. I am not much of a programmer but would like to learn some more on how to "tweak" this desktop.
Thanks I will have to try and find those at my local library. I found some tutorials online that I will have to play with as well.
My new desktop.. Took the picture yesterday at a friend condo complex that has a "wildlife refuge" in it. He was happy as could be as there were three females there and I got close enough that he kept brushing me with his feathers. Apparently he has been there for close to 10 years.

Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 10.29.01 AM by renofizz, on Flickr
I would but it looks like every other OSX desktop on the planet. And the wallpapers I download from interfacelift and they are set to change every 30 minutes so it's never the same very often.
Clean desktops and side-docks ftw, though I put mine on the right. I can see how left-side would help with scroll-bar overlap tho. Hopefully I'll be getting an Air this summer and I can start contributing a shot or two here myself.
How do you get your dock like that? I know the icon set...but not how you stretch the dock and get the date on it like that. Thanks!

2 Programs.

First use Mirage to make the dock clear,

then use Geektool to make a long black shell and put it where the icons are. :D
2 Programs.

First use Mirage to make the dock clear,

then use Geektool to make a long black shell and put it where the icons are. :D

So you cheat! I can absolutely do that. I figured it was something like that. Thanks. :)