Show your fireworks shots!


Mar 2, 2001
EDIT: Iupload is on the fritz....grrrrr

EDIT 2 : Ok,...working again :D

Oh yeah,....the noise in the image is now fixed, but I'm not bothering with re-uploading it. I didn't notice it on my monitor,...until I slid it over to my LCD.......YUCK! lol

Was an interesting pic to take as i didnt have manual focus... :p
to get the best shot i focused the camera on some lights in the distance, then took the shot of the fireworks whilst holding my hand over the flash, and it came out alright :D
WOW! I was gonna head out tonight and catch the fireworks out @ Marblehead penninsula, cause I think the reflections over the water would be cool. Those are some awesome shots, for hand-held, Acey
Here are some of the pictures I took @ Elk River tonight (3rd) -- the show didn't last long. It was my first time taking pics of fireworks, and the tips I picked up on the Internet were way off. I used f3.3 - 3.9 and got overexposed. (Internet said ~f2.6 was a good choice -- bleh) The fireworks were pretty much directly overhead. I think I should have worked my way closer to f8... At least I messed up on the 3rd :p

Click image to see full size version: (3.34MP Nikon CoolPix 995 -- ~600KB)

More pictures to come on the 4th...and they should be better...
f4.5~f5.6 usually work well for me :)

some various ones i took this spring @ disney (epcot)

10D w/28-135IS, i think they have EXIF i cant remember atm, on a tripod and a remote trigger... i just set the focus for manual and set it at infity focus... then just hold the shutter button the entire show taking pics hehe, got some good ones i think













and of course, the after-show smoke hehe

when it says show "Your" best fireworks shots, show the stufff you bought and shot off! heh, I just love tonight, constant BOOMS off in the distance, wizzes, and squeels, it's just great!!
I didn't get to go to a fireworks show like I wanted to tonight -- I live at least 30 miles from the nearest one so I can't even see them from my yard... :(

Well, here is a pic I did take of some fireworks I picked up cheap: (~500KB)

Didn't have a clear shot of the fireworks[blocked by trees]. This is probably the best shot I was able to get:

Hey [TQ]:

AWESOME SHOTS!!! Did you get those from the fireworks shot over the lake? I grew up in Evanston and still remember going to watch the fireworks from the lake shore with my mom as a kid.
jmroberts70 said:
Hey [TQ]:

AWESOME SHOTS!!! Did you get those from the fireworks shot over the lake? I grew up in Evanston and still remember going to watch the fireworks from the lake shore with my mom as a kid.

Thanks for the kind words. No i didnt go into the city, i actually live about 45 mins northwest of the city, these are from my hometown.
TQ and flecom. VERY nice shots. Where were u flecom when you took them pictures? It looked like an awesome show.
Love the shots with the flag.

If my friend who hosts my site ever gets it back up, I'll post what I feel are the good ones that I took. Nothing quite as good as what you guys have done, but pretty good nonetheless.
DruSi3r said:
TQ ill ask again; how did u get no smoke in your pictures?

I'm thinking that if you used a higher apeture only the really bright parts of the fireworks would come through and the smoke wouldnt be as noticeable....
kur1j said:
TQ and flecom. VERY nice shots. Where were u flecom when you took them pictures? It looked like an awesome show.

illuminations is the name of the show, they have it every night @ epcot in disney (orlando fl)

you have to setup like two hours before to get a nice location for ur tripod and beat away tourists.... lol, it is a very nice show tho... i have a lot more pics... my method was set the apreture, leave it on AE, and just hold the remote trigger lol
Da PlaN-R said:
I'm thinking that if you used a higher apeture only the really bright parts of the fireworks would come through and the smoke wouldnt be as noticeable....

Makes sense, i was at f/11