Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

jacuzz1 said:

I cant wait to game on this baby :p :D :cool:

Judging from that sign that says "add lines 9.99" I take it that you work in the cellular business. Just something I noticed.
Yes, I own a Wireless Zone Franchise and am currently a Verizon agent
revenant said:
Nice setup... So, I see the cable box there, do you use your PC as a full entertainment center (for watching TV, movies, etc...)? Nice reflective shot of your baby on the face of your pc. :)

Sure do, I got kicked out of my computer room when the daughter came along, so I turned the PC into a full on gaming-entertainment center. I rip DVD, record TV, make DVD's, etc. courtesy of dual DVD burners and and a LEadtek tv tuner/capture card.

Hahah, I did not notice the reflection of the kiddo until after I had uploaded the pics to my webspace...
jacuzz1 said:
Yes, I own a Wireless Zone Franchise and am currently a Verizon agent

cool, I work for an Alltel agent. Me and a friend are thinking of opening our own store but the cellular business is a bit hectic... :rolleyes:
Its alot of work but alot of fun and you cant replace the freedom of owning your own.
Just bought the 2005FPW, so I haven't had time to adjust my setup . . .


Total resolution: 6288x1050 (1024 in some parts (768 in some parts, too . . . :p ))

i guess i should clean off that shuttle that is just sitting there as of right now, the computer i am using is PC #1 in my sig which is sitting under my desk
Great setup guy's one think I learned going though the photo's is a lot people like the logitech MX 700 mouse.

Decided to run portrait mode for awhile. So nice for reading internet and comics. Convenient there are USB ports on the side as well as the top so the webcam can still plug in on top of the monitor.

love the surround setup and mouse pad....

The ghetto force is with you :)
Pkirk618 said:
love the surround setup and mouse pad....

The ghetto force is with you :)

What can I say, optical mousepads are expensive and speaker stands even more (100$ last time I checked). The surround sounds amazing, no cancelling or anything so I'm happy with it as it is.
bleh, why bother with speaker stands just ghetto glue the speakers behind your chair and your set for surround
Here's mine dudes and dudettas, not so much to look at but it's wide enough for me.
No dead pixels or brightness on the edges. Hooked to the rig by DVI
use it for Cinema 4D, Maya 6, Photoshop CS 2 and Flash.
Games: Far Cry, Doom 3, Sims 2, Flight Simulator 2004 and many more...


Equinox4x said:
Here's mine dudes and dudettas, not so much to look at but it's wide enough for me.
No dead pixels or brightness on the edges. Hooked to the rig by DVI
use it for Cinema 4D, Maya 6, Photoshop CS 2 and Flash.
Games: Far Cry, Doom 3, Sims 2, Flight Simulator 2004 and many more
upload images else man, you've exceeded your allocated data transfer.
Sorry Ch0s3npinp, did'nt realise they would look that big...
Anyways I edited them again...I hope they are satisfactory enough...Enjoy...
Sorry again...
ch0s3npimp said:
upload images else man, you've exceeded your allocated data transfer.

you're not helping by quoting them...

oh and Equinox4x, are u sure its ok to leave the sub so close to the comp?
Didn't think it will cause any sort of harm to the rig but only to be on the safe side moved the rig a little further...

How about uploading a pic of your rig peterhoang2002? you too ch0s3npimp?
Here's an update of my desktops LCD's, and i'll be updating again as soon as i can get the monitors mounted rather than sitting on mobile phone boxes ;) ..



Tanquen: could you post a photo of your monitor arm? Thanks
aww i got a taste of this dual monitor dealie. lovin it...too bad i have to send the right one help myself..

thisisglen, damn beautiful pretty configuration, table too looks good! nice cam. pic. quality. beautiful dell monitor, just too big for me, i don't think even if i could i would buy that big monitor. but it is really beautiful.
Tanquen, nice wire, nice home office, what huge printer is that, looks so professional, i bet it's expensive?