Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

U know what, I don't wanna be poster no. 200 anymore, so I'm just gonna forget it, + I think I'm gonna get in trouble for this soooo...yeah, I'm sorry, whatever

P.S. looking forward to post my coming LCD screen, cheers :rolleyes: :mad:
Dameem said:
U know what, I don't wanna be poster no. 200 anymore, so I'm just gonna forget it, + I think I'm gonna get in trouble for this soooo...yeah, I'm sorry, whatever

P.S. looking forward to post my coming LCD screen, cheers :rolleyes: :mad:

I'm gald you realized this is the "Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!" Not the "LOLCAKES OMFG LETS ALL POST 200 UNTILL PAGE 200 THREAD!!!!!!".

Nice spamming too.
O K......umcpgrad, Congratulations :mad:

Nice game everybody, though very short, but nice

and OEM, I've seen people talk about stuff which are totally spaming but no one mentioned that it was spaming like "O, where have you got that screenshot" or "ooo, thats a nice table, where is it from" or "wow, thats a nice chair, is it comfortable" or "man, Nice LCD, what type is it." Now thats what I call spaming. Plus, I was doing this for a good cause, the cause to reach the 200th, can't you see that :cool:
Dameem said:
O K......umcpgrad, Congratulations :mad:

Nice game everybody, though very short, but nice

and OEM, I've seen people talk about stuff which are totally spaming but no one mentioned that it was spaming like "O, where have you got that screenshot" or "ooo, thats a nice table, where is it from" or "wow, thats a nice chair, is it comfortable" or "man, Nice LCD, what type is it." Now thats what I call spaming. Plus, I was doing this for a good cause, the cause to reach the 200th, can't you see that :cool:
how are those questions spamming? They are related to the topic by asking a question about the persons set up. And 7 strait posts is most definately spamming.
Dameem said:
O K......umcpgrad, Congratulations :mad:

Nice game everybody, though very short, but nice

and OEM, I've seen people talk about stuff which are totally spaming but no one mentioned that it was spaming like "O, where have you got that screenshot" or "ooo, thats a nice table, where is it from" or "wow, thats a nice chair, is it comfortable" or "man, Nice LCD, what type is it." Now thats what I call spaming. Plus, I was doing this for a good cause, the cause to reach the 200th, can't you see that :cool:
everything you just said is completely opposite.

any of those types of comments are completely on-topic because it is pertaining to a previous post. are they totally necessary? no. they could be asked via PM. but they arent spamming.

now, what you did was spamming. in fact, you started a whole spamming chain. and then you procede to try and argue that it was 'for a good cause.'

please take your childish tactics to another thread.

PrOxY2 said:

I've seen alot of these sweet Apple LCDs throughout the gallery...I thought they were Apple only, and had some kind of proprietary connection? Am I wrong? How are they for gaming?
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
I've seen alot of these sweet Apple LCDs throughout the gallery...I thought they were Apple only, and had some kind of proprietary connection? Am I wrong? How are they for gaming?

hello, adaptor
CHAoS_NiNJA said:
I've seen alot of these sweet Apple LCDs throughout the gallery...I thought they were Apple only, and had some kind of proprietary connection? Am I wrong? How are they for gaming?

The screens used a connector called adc. It carries power, dvi, usb, and firewire(I think it does firewire, too lazy to turn my monitor around). To connect it you could use apples own adc to dvi adapter. It was a power supply and had outputs for the video, usb etc. As far as gaming goes these are 25ms panels so they are not as good as the newer 8ms panels(or lower) but my 23 seems to do pretty good. Also they were pretty picky on how they ran. Seemed to work fine on nvidia cards. Had a bunch of issues with ati cards. I had just picked up an nvidia card a month before buying mine so it wasn't an issue. When I went to rebuild my desktop I got a cheap ass x300 to get me going that no matter what I did would not run the screen. Picked up a 7600gt and thing worked right away. Also the power button is software controlled which means that it doesn't work in windows. A guy wrote a driver pack called winacd for these but the power button driver in it doesn't work for my monitor. Overall I've been happy with mine. Going to replace it with a newer apple 23 though.
Oooska said:
2407fpw + 2007fp and a new desk.Cords look a bit messy :)o), but it doesn't bother me too much personally.


Is your router suspended in the air? neato!

EDITED because someone got their panties in a bunch. Geez, you can't make an observation anymore without people attacking you and wanting your neck on a guilatine.
oC|-TiTaN said:
guess's his house, not yours :rolleyes:

geez...people are so critical

QFT. Though, the wire apocalypse behind my desk is the primary reason I didn't get a glass one. :p

In other news, I'll get my deskspace up eventually.
My setup:

Everything (Viewsonic VX2025wm monitor, Insignia NS-B2111 6 1/2" bookshelf speakers)

Receiver powering the speakers (Pioneer VSX-516-K)

Close-up of the receiver

Close-up of the speakers

Headphones and headphone amp (Alessandro MS-1s and PA2V2)

Close-up of bowl pads on the MS-1s
Any chance they've also fixed the components on this thing?

I keep hearing people say it's "horrible" and so on and so forth. How "horrible" is it? I'd hate ask for an indepth analysis, but saying something is horrible is so subjective.

I have a PS2 that I' dlike to hook it up to.
You know what, you're gonna have to forgive me, I have no experience with those little PC's at all. I mean what do they contain exactly. Is it some come with CPU, PSU, and other stuff while some don't or what??

And one thing which has confused me, if a PCI-E needs atleast 500W to work (like my 7900GT), then how come most of thos Barebones come with 300-400 power supply??

Just a question.
Barebones come with cheap power supplys.

And if you buy a case like mine it comes with NOTHING. you have to buy the motherboard cpu ram etc etc
Dameem said:
You know what, you're gonna have to forgive me, I have no experience with those little PC's at all. I mean what do they contain exactly. Is it some come with CPU, PSU, and other stuff while some don't or what??

And one thing which has confused me, if a PCI-E needs atleast 500W to work (like my 7900GT), then how come most of thos Barebones come with 300-400 power supply??

Just a question.
first of all your 7900GT does NOT NEED a 500 watt power supply. sff comps usually only have one dvd, one hd, and video card. a decent 300-400 watt psu can easily handle that.
Originally Posted by Hupo
Barebones come with cheap power supplys.

And if you buy a case like mine it comes with NOTHING. you have to buy the motherboard cpu ram etc etc

For $100, I think It's a cool Barebone.

Originally Posted by trek554

first of all your 7900GT does NOT NEED a 500 watt power supply. sff comps usually only have one dvd, one hd, and video card. a decent 300-400 watt psu can easily handle that.

Well why don't we just looky here and scroll down under specifications.

Although I have seen you here several times and you do seem to know whats going on, so you might know something I don't.
Dameem said:
For $100, I think It's a cool Barebone.

Well why don't we just looky here and scroll down under specifications.

Although I have seen you here several times and you do seem to know whats going on, so you might know something I don't.

welll unless you have SLI a 400 will work. it says it there and thats what he said? also they give a little leway room to cover their ass, so technically he was right. a 400w psu as long as it isnt a pos one, will power ur rig fine.
Dameem said:
For $100, I think It's a cool Barebone.

Well why don't we just looky here and scroll down under specifications.

Although I have seen you here several times and you do seem to know whats going on, so you might know something I don't.
well you might want to read your own link next time. it says 400 watts. also that assumes a fairly well loaded sytem with more than a couple of drives. :D
trek554 said:
well you might want to read your own link next time. it says 400 watts. also that assumes a fairly well loaded sytem with more than a couple of drives. :D
yup exactly. Dameem, next time read what you link us too, and post around more and learn things.
Now hold on guys. If you read just beneath the 400 Watt what do you see, BOOM It says "Minimum 500 Watt for SLI mode system." And earlier I was talking about SLI-E Which Is exactly what my Graphics Card Is, 7900GT CO SLI-E 16X.

Am I right or wrong??
Dameem said:
Now hold on guys. If you read just beneath the 400 Watt what do you see, BOOM It says "Minimum 500 Watt for SLI mode system." And earlier I was talking about SLI-E Which Is exactly what my Graphics Card Is, 7900GT CO SLI-E 16X.

Am I right or wrong??
are you running TWO cards? if not then you are not using SLI. there is no such thing as SLI-E. also you NEVER mentioned SLI earlier. you need to read more and type less. :p

EDIT: are you drunk? :p
DUUUUUUH. trek554, you wanna listen to something really funny, check out my story:

When I saw the 500W I thout It Is 1 Graphics Card B'Cuz: I thought when they transfered from AGP to SLI-E, I thought it Increased from 8X to 16X for 1 graphics card. Isn't It?? still confused on that one.

So you know what I have been doing since, I've been running my screen resolution at 1024x768 so I wouldn't "stress my Graphics Card." Althought the temp. on my CPU and Mobo was between 38-41, but I thought something must be wrong, and Ignored the reading.

And you know what's funnier, I stopped playing games for the same reason and ordered a PSU which is 700W in power, Big DUUUUUUUUUH.

Currently I'm speechless, I don't know what to say.

But just a last question, I had a 9800XT on AGP8X before I rebuilt my whole Computer, by how much is my Graphics better compared to that one?? Thats If It's more powerfull than before.

P.S. I'm writing at resolution of 1280x1024, everything seems so small.

Edit: If someone doesn't memorize every single statement he/she makes, doesn't mean he's drunk. Plus, I dont re-re-re-re-revise what I constantly say, I don't have to mention something for you to imply It, we're not people of lower IQ, you can conclude to what I mean out of my context In general :p