Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

mista ting said:
isent it actually good for the neck to have the monitor that high

From what i understand on lcd monitos around 20" your eyes should be aiming the top of the monitor...
clasick said:
man i never seen a left handed setup before. nice setup but man that would be hard as heck for me....

I am left handed , it rocks for gaming. I use two mice . One on the left and one on the right. dual mice lends itself to outstanding funcionality. I operate vehicles like any right hander and switch to lefty when i am in fsp mode. :)
that is nice man. I am going to almost get the same setup as you, My westy is coming in today, but i am getting the jerker computer table..Black..Im got the 37"w3 1080p....


Booker said:
You don´t have neck problems with the monitor set that high?
I did want it lower (I forgot that my chair can be lowered and raised the desk instead!), but it doesn't seem that bad. I just lean back against my headrest and I can see right at the center of the screen.

And besides, I just got this desk yesterday, I haven't had time to develop neck problems with it ;)
Gateway 24" & 21"

In this pic these are set to the same brightness/contrast/gamma settings. (brightness @ 67 / contrast @ 53 / gamma @ 30)

Here the brightness of the 24" is changed to 0 (zero), contrast @ 45, gamma @ 30
kuyaglen said:
Gateway 24" & 21"

In this pic these are set to the same brightness/contrast/gamma settings. (brightness @ 67 / contrast @ 53 / gamma @ 30)
wow wow we wow. The new gateway looks nice. :eek:
eab16hatchie said:

Nice setup. I really like the wall paper. But I couldn't help but notice your wall paper did not match up on each monitor. Do you use windows? There is an easy fix for that if you did not know.
Groto said:
eab16hatchie, where did you get that background in your first picture?

here is a link to it

haadij404 said:
Nice setup. I really like the wall paper. But I couldn't help but notice your wall paper did not match up on each monitor. Do you use windows? There is an easy fix for that if you did not know.

ya im running xp, ive been messing with it trying to figure that out, but no luck. the 2 on the outside are 1280x1024 and the middle one is 1440x900
eab16hatchie said:
ya im running xp, ive been messing with it trying to figure that out, but no luck. the 2 on the outside are 1280x1024 and the middle one is 1440x900

I had the same problem and this how i got it fixed. I don't know if you have tried it, but its worth a shot.

Right click on the desktop and go to properties and then click on settings. you will see the three monitors. Just drag down the two on left/right ones (or the middle one) so they are equal to the middle one. it should align the monitors.

Alot of people don't know you can drag the monitors to change their positions. Thought i would just throw this out there because maybe it can help you. Let me know if it helped.
haadij404 said:
I had the same problem and this how i got it fixed. I don't know if you have tried it, but its worth a shot.

Right click on the desktop and go to properties and then click on settings. you will see the three monitors. Just drag down the two on left/right ones (or the middle one) so they are equal to the middle one. it should align the monitors.

Alot of people don't know you can drag the monitors to change their positions. Thought i would just throw this out there because maybe it can help you. Let me know if it helped.

ya i already tried that and couldnt get them to line up...thanx though
eab16hatchie, what type of desk is that? It is really nice, but I also just ordered the jerker table in black what would you guys recommend...
clasick said:
eab16hatchie, what type of desk is that? It is really nice, but I also just ordered the jerker table in black what would you guys recommend...

i got both of them at office depot.. it is black glass.. they are 149.99

Since everyone else commented on your desk and case ill give you props for your music =)

KSE is the shit!
eab16hatchie, where did you get the wallpapers for your work rig? I've seen them before in this thread I think but never asked. Got a link?

that's sickkkk dude! Damn that looks like a simulator zone of something of racing :eek:!
Yo what racing games do you play and what game is the one on in the pic ?
wow that is amazing! how did all of that cost you! ive been dreaming of having something like that for soo long. I applaud you for dooing it. I am a huge racing fan and man your setup makes me soo jealous!
AlphexHunter said:
that's sickkkk dude! Damn that looks like a simulator zone of something of racing :eek:!
Yo what racing games do you play and what game is the one on in the pic ?

For racing games, I usually play rFactor, GTR2, Nascar2003, and a little Need For Speed Carbon. What's on the screen is GTR2.

Will you adopt me?

Sure, as long as you pay for some rent, utilities, credit card bills, and my car payment. j/k haha

But thanks for the compliments guys. I just got done building a week ago so I'm still getting used to the surround gaming. Kinda makes me nauseous. lol
haadij404 said:
wow that is amazing! how did all of that cost you! ive been dreaming of having something like that for soo long. I applaud you for dooing it. I am a huge racing fan and man your setup makes me soo jealous!

It definitely went way over the budget. lol. It could have been a lot cheaper if I went with cheaper monitors. But all together, I probably spent around 1800 for everything minus the computer. That includes the building parts for the wood too. It is still pretty steep but I always wanted the build one :) So I splurged on it. Thanks again for the compliments.
That racing setup is so cool its freezing my screen...

You have some sort of worklog for the build? And what type of seat is that? And how does the G25 setup feel?

lol mad questions...

Dark Prodigy said:
That racing setup is so cool its freezing my screen...

You have some sort of worklog for the build? And what type of seat is that? And how does the G15 setup feel?

lol mad questions...

I don't really have a work log per say. I kind of just pieced it together. I guess I should make out like a little schematic because I had a few people ask me for them. The seat is from a 93' Nissan 300zx. I got it from a junk yard for 75 bucks. The G25 wheel and pedals are awesome. The shifter is ok but it does the job. It feels like a little toy but I still it through it's paces. It's got a one year warranty on it. I well see how it holds up. But the wheel and pedals feel pretty solid and the force feedback is pretty nice too.