Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!


Om the left is my 15" LG, and the dell is the 2007WFP
In my opinion, a widescreen monitor more than about 24" diag. from a normal desktop distance starts getting too large to view comfortably for gaming, (other applications this may not hold true for). Much bigger than that then you have to start backing away from the screen, which then defeats the purpose of having a big screen. Not to mention dot pitch, sharpness, and response time usually suffers as the screen gets bigger.

You and others don't have to agree, but that's just what I've noticed with bigger screen sizes. You can spend your $$ on oversized screens if you want - it doesn't bother me in the least.

I still have to disagree, I do other things like watch movies on my big screen/s asl well. Computers are not JUST for gaming. I prefer to kick back on my bed than sit in my chair when viewing them....Sitting back a few feet seems perfect and more relaxed, granted I did have to get used to it over the 22 at first.

Wow, that is so awesome! But you're gonna go soooo blind lol. I had one 30 incher and in 6 months I had headaches and eye strain like no other...

I'm not going to go blind from it, the text is larger than a 24" so it's acutaly MUCH easier on my eyes. I have less eyetrain than I had before. Not sure on the 30's as I have not used those yet.

Now this 19" Dell at work is making me squint, but it's not bad to my last job with 17" CRT! I do have 20/20 vision just had it checked a few months ago. But the doc said I had some eyetrain from the CRT at work.

To the guy looking at 1080i/720p for a comptuer monitor I would NOT suggest it at all (especialy for those prices!) I got these from the costco deal for $800 each, not cheap, and I'm still paying for it!). The westy is 1920x1080, so about the same resolution as a 24 but the pixels are larger (not too large since you don't have your face right next to it). However I found when using 24" monitors that the text in gerneral is too small, there are things you can do to increase the size but you are losing some of the benefits of having a really high resolution then (unless you sit really close to the screen like the guy with those nice JBL's). I would have to strain my eyes a bit with a 24" pushed back about the same distance as the westys. I do think a 42 may be TOO big for a monitor, unless you sit 5-6 feet back. If that is your planned setup then it woud be sweet. Like I said the westy is pushing the size already @ 37" 32 or 35 might be more reasonable, but I'm not going to bitch about it, since it was cheaper than many 32" 1080p's, and only a hair more than 24's. Maybe I will get a shot of WoW running native. It looks quite impressive, I just found that running it in windowed mode, maximized, and having thotbot loaded on the second screen works out really well as I don't have to alt tab at all, and can transfer info into the game and out NP. In fact it's pretty sweet running like that! I snapped my pic with the flash on so the colors and contrast don't look so well, but they seem to be as good as any other LCD.

Hell if I could fit some Giant 30+ inch CRT's on my desk I would, but that is just not going to happen!
How's this for a suggestion? POST A PICTURE OF YOUR LCD SETUP and stop complaining about other peoples preferences.

I agree completely. You make a constructive and reasonable post that even some who disagree have to admit its logic.

For the thread-crappers, get lost. Post something positive or do nothing at all. This thread is not titled, "POST A PICTURE OF YOUR SET-UP, SO THAT TROLLS CAN BASH IT BECAUSE THEY'RE JEALOUSLY IGNORANT."

P.S. I agree with JaY. Let's end it right here and now, please :)
Here's a vote for adding "Limit your comments please." to the end of this tread title.

It's been done in the Post Your Workstation 2007 - Limit your comments please. thread, seems to have been somewhat successful. *shrugs*
haha wow :eek:

I wish my digicam wasnt so shitty -- I just got two 2407fpw's, and I'm in love :p

I can't wait to get my linux machine running again (had to return the RAM) so I can do dual displays.

"cleric_retribution;1031244045]haha wow :eek:

I wish my digicam wasnt so shitty -- I just got two 2407fpw's, and I'm in love :p

I can't wait to get my linux machine running again (had to return the RAM) so I can do dual displays."

Nice and i like that keyboard.
I think that those Dell cases actually look better than many of the generic towers out there.

Nice PSU choice too ;)
cleric, why 2 mice? :D

this is an old photo, but I've got three systems in my place.

I share out my Logitech DiNovo (the keyboard in my post above) between my ubuntu machine (silver Antec P180 case on the far right) and my OSX machine (micro-atx coolermaster centurion case on the left) using software called 'synergy'. I use a Logitech MX3100 wireless keyboard and mouse set (the mouse you see in the cradle) for my gaming machine (black coolermaster praetorian case in the middle). Synergy doesn't play nice with games (or more likely, I haven't figured out how to make it work correctly yet :p )
this is an old photo, but I've got three systems in my place.
I share out my Logitech DiNovo (the keyboard in my post above) between my ubuntu machine (silver Antec P180 case on the far right) and my OSX machine (micro-atx coolermaster centurion case on the left) using software called 'synergy'. I use a Logitech MX3100 wireless keyboard and mouse set (the mouse you see in the cradle) for my gaming machine (black coolermaster praetorian case in the middle). Synergy doesn't play nice with games (or more likely, I haven't figured out how to make it work correctly yet :p )

How well does OSX run? What config did you use?
The case is the only Dell part left and yea i actually like those old dell cases:p

Yeah I like the dell cases as well, I just thought I was the only person on [H] who would think of putting a custom pc in a Dell Case. I always thought it would be cool to use one of the xps cases off ebay.
have the same keyboard. it's a hell of a keyboard. have it for 7 years and its working perfectly even after giving it some punches because of css:D .

hahah yeah mine took the same abuse. I'd keep using it if I hadn't invested in my Logitech DiNovo.

I still like to use a cheap logitech wired mouse and that elite keyboard for gaming though :p
Is that the 1907fp on the right? And if so why? I would have gotten the 1707fp since it is roughly the same height as the 2007wfp.
Is that the 1907fp on the right? And if so why? I would have gotten the 1707fp since it is roughly the same height as the 2007wfp.

That's why I bought my two new monitors ... I couldn't stand the different heights and resolutions of the 20" and 24" :p

TRD: setup looks nice and clean though!
Just got my second 20" widescreen in the other day (shame I can't yet calibrate it to match the other monitor..), but I suppose it looks okay.


Unorthodox, sure. But it works.