Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

Just finished moving and redoing my office.
Behold I give you Lord Stig!

Alright.. Here are better pictures..:)[/IG]





Awesome! Clean and simple. I LOVE it!

More pics of the desk? Where and how much?
Just redid the miniature entertainment center in my room. I'm in the process of redoing my computer desk, so I may take some pictures of that when it's done.

Here is my recently renovated on my LCD setup. Wallmount FTW!!


Sorry for the crappy downsized picture.
Is this a cubicle?

Nice setup - i would improve cable management and replace the router (on shelf or below desk).

Haha no, that is my bedroom, the desk area is indented in the wall like that. Router really doesnt bother me. Much better than what it was. All that stuff on the shelf and those other two speakers cluttered my desk like no other.
I upgraded from a 47" Westy to my new Sammy 52"! ;)

Very nice LCD ... all you need now is a nice tv stand and proper speaker placement and you'll be set.
Haha no, that is my bedroom, the desk area is indented in the wall like that. Router really doesnt bother me. Much better than what it was. All that stuff on the shelf and those other two speakers cluttered my desk like no other.

I would put the center speaker in the center, below the monitor ;)
He means that they need to be pulled out from the wall and angled in to the center focal spot in the room for proper imaging characteristics of the speakers

some people care about proper imaging (I am one), some people don't.. and some people take it too seriously and point out when others have a flaw in their system.

I think S_T has a very nice setup there, if you want to set up your speakers to the audiophile standards then go for it, if not then keep up the good work anyways.. nice stuff
He means that they need to be pulled out from the wall and angled in to the center focal spot in the room for proper imaging characteristics of the speakers

some people care about proper imaging (I am one), some people don't.. and some people take it too seriously and point out when others have a flaw in their system.

I think S_T has a very nice setup there, if you want to set up your speakers to the audiophile standards then go for it, if not then keep up the good work anyways.. nice stuff

Agreed, it isn't optimal (nor are the speakers the best either), but because of my awkward wall, it is the best way for me to place them there. There's also a center speaker hiding behind the TV.
He means that they need to be pulled out from the wall and angled in to the center focal spot in the room for proper imaging characteristics of the speakers

some people care about proper imaging (I am one), some people don't.. and some people take it too seriously and point out when others have a flaw in their system.

I think S_T has a very nice setup there, if you want to set up your speakers to the audiophile standards then go for it, if not then keep up the good work anyways.. nice stuff

The point of posting pictures is not to be completely flattered. Some people happily accept other people’s suggestions. I personally see this forum as a place to be influenced by other people’s creativity... but I do see where your coming from
I agree and see your point, but I think that a suggestion needs to tell the person how to actually fix a part of their setup, such as how to fix the speaker placement. Not merely just point out its flaws and leave it at that. Just my $.02 and I don't mean to start some argument, I am just a big advocate for constructive criticism
After looking through all 550+ of these pages, I'll finally post my setup.

How it was:


W/ new desk and monitor: (notice all the wires under the desk)


And how it is now: (no wires are under the desk for my feet to mess with)


And my racing setup:

^^^ looks good.

Also put [ img ] [ /img ] (without spaces) around those links so people don't have to click them.