Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

who makes this desk and where did you get it? i've been looking for one just like it to support my computer rig and two turntables and a mixer.


it's the sharper image desk from office max, I bought it a couple of years ago. My brother and I actually have the same desk

I will try and find a link

here it is

but I bought 2 main desks, as my G15 would not fit on the keyboard tray and I wanted a larger surface area for all my "stuff"
it's the sharper image desk from office max, I bought it a couple of years ago. My brother and I actually have the same desk

I will try and find a link

here it is

but I bought 2 main desks, as my G15 would not fit on the keyboard tray and I wanted a larger surface area for all my "stuff"

thanks! disregard my email as my accout wasn't actived yet at the time.

quick question, in the link the legs look like a dark espresso color, yours is lighter, no?
Just got my I-INC 28"(same as hanns-g). So far so good, not too much backlight bleed and no dead pixels as far as I can tell. It's sitting next to a LG 226WTQ for size reference. Normally I would have my 360 hooked up too, but unfortunately it's got a problem with overheating ha, imagine that. Anybody have some good color settings for this bad boy? Oh, and ignore the messy wires :D

had to replace my 24" dell panel because it died =(

also got new peripherals... am saving up for a Dell 3008 to consolidate primary terminal as I don't really need two screens but would like substantial screen real estate to view multiple apps/windows at the same time



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Hey guys, new to the forum and this is my first post - here's my current setup:

Quite amateur'ish compared to some of the amazing stuff I have seen in this thread, but it's a start!
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had to replace my 24" dell panel because it died =(

also got new peripherals... am saving up for a Dell 3008 to consolidate primary terminal as I don't really need two screens but would like substantial screen real estate to view multiple apps/windows at the same time
lol do you game at work?
hey silent hero... i'm 23, currently completing my first graduate degree and working as a data systems manager for my university...

at home, i mostly use macs...


for tv and gaming, i like Samsung LCD tv's... currently have a 46" and 32" in my bedroom...


Hey guys, new to the forum and this is my first post -


Quite amateur'ish compared to some of the amazing stuff I have seen in this thread, but it's a start!

Nothing amateur about dual displays. You have a nice, clean setup, welcome to the forums! There are a myriad of tips to be found around here. What are you hoping to do next with your system (if anything)?
thepawn is correct

imho, Sony S Frames are the best digital photo frames on the market... i got one on Saturday to cycle through family photos but, haven't had the time to transfer them yet so I left it on clock/date mode... was surprised at how cool it looks lol... pretty cool 'modern' clock for under $100
I bought them on eBay cheap and to be frank they're total crap... although I'm using they for speakers beyond their intended capacity. The stability is bad... 8'' square base, 4'' "shelf" for 7'' square speakers... on carpet with no spikes. They're in a zero traffic area though so they will suffice for now.
heh thanks for the quick review Mr. B, unfortunately the den in my new house is hardwood so I'll probably need to keep looking for inexpensive speaker stands
changed up a few things. i got new speakers. these are m audio studiophile dx4 monitors. they sound pretty damn impressive for the $40 i paid for them on craigslist. also hooked up a new subwoofer. its a yamaha that isnt that great but it adds a nice low end punch for the monitors. also finally got a nice gaming mousepad.

i have that same chair and I have to admit, I can't stand the damn thing anymore, its just not comfortable.. the butt part is too hard for me and the lumbar part sticks out too far

ROFL!!! I call this one "the money shot", lol. It is so overly egotistical in appearance, yet I am so quiet by comparison, the shot just makes me laugh. Anyway, I had to share. ;) Thanks to my youngest daughter for acting as photog. :p
That is a pretty awesome picture..

Although it looks like your center speaker would be in the way of the bottom portion of your screen.. That would annoy me so much :(
It looks like he views from above the speaker so I don't think it even interferes with the view. Nice pic btw, Frraksurred.
It looks like he views from above the speaker so I don't think it even interferes with the view. Nice pic btw, Frraksurred.

Good eye, and thank you.

Yes, the speaker does not obstruct your view when seated in front of it. I choose it largely for that reason. It gave me the size I wanted without sacrificing view.

Not exactly sure why I posted this pic, lol. My 15 year old and I are budding photographers. We were messing around with my camera and this picture was one of the results. I was so happy with it I decided to use it.
Just picked up this beauty this past weekend, the lighting is garbage and doesn't do it justice.

Toshiba 40XV645U:
ROFL!!! I call this one "the money shot", lol. It is so overly egotistical in appearance, yet I am so quiet by comparison, the shot just makes me laugh. Anyway, I had to share. ;) Thanks to my youngest daughter for acting as photog. :p

Awesome picture man, I had to laugh :D
Well if Time Magazine comes knocking you have a pic already to

haha i was thinking the same thing when i saw the pic. :p straight out of a magazine.

Just picked up this beauty this past weekend, the lighting is garbage and doesn't do it justice.

Toshiba 40XV645U:

congrats on the new display. its a beauty. always gotta have a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues next to the desk. ;) you never know what might pop up.
i have that same chair and I have to admit, I can't stand the damn thing anymore, its just not comfortable.. the butt part is too hard for me and the lumbar part sticks out too far
Im with you on that...I had the same chair and had to replace it. After sitting down for more than an hour I felt like I just got done riding sea bisquit.