Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

Great setups in this thread, gave me a lot of ideas for the future. Here is my current setup. 27" for gaming 24" for internet use mostly.


+1 for the empty TP roll under the desk.
I use a NEC LCD2490WUXI (w/polarizer) + NEC LCD2190UXP hooked up with my desktop and work laptop through a Gefen KVM. I used to have a Dell but my eyes always hurt because they crank up the brightness too much and it cannot be lowered. The NEC has seemed to do the trick however. I threw in some money shots of the office for kicks. Oh yeah, cord clutter blows but I never really see it unless I bend down and stare; not a big deal.


Beautiful! Between your setup and Vanquish's setup, that's two really nice Eizo/NEC workstations. Now I gotta dig out the camera and take a shot of my setup.
Wow, those desks are amazing... I had no idea they were here in Central OH... will have to go check them out... it's only a 20min drive from here.

Make sure to bring a wad of cash when you go. Have you seen the prices on those things?
Make sure to bring a wad of cash when you go. Have you seen the prices on those things?

I almost stopped breathing when i saw 3k for that L shaped desk

Almost as bad as the furniture place i looked at, 4000$ for a U shaped desk that looked identical to the one i got at Office depot for 400$

But hey if you have the money go for it..

I was doing this, I debezeled 3x dell 2312HMs - I found eyefinity dizzing.


I switched them to portrait, I found the 1080P monitors too narrow to get any decent work done.

I just bought a Dell U3011 ($800, which was a steal used..but it had minor red banding which didn't bug me) I also bought 2x 2007FPs to hope for PLP.

I'll keep the 2312's for my Mac...eyefinity is definitely immersive...but definitely not something for me. PLP is definitely more doable...since the 30" you can play games...if eyefinity 2.0 supports PLP then it's just an added plus imo.
I would like to see more pictures of your work area. I dig the exposed brick wall. Nice setup you have there.
Been looking here for a while now thought I would post my setup. Details are in my signature.

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Updated for 2012 finally. I don't think I posted last year...Moved three states over and up, never fully setup the office until a year later.







If you can't tell, currently attempting to fix the T61P. It's got some weird issues I've never seen before...
Imtrying to quote wiregen's first picture on the previous page ........:(...please someone do it for me /show how

On the left screen, how practical do you find that mac dock bar in windows. I really wanted to use this feature but after using rocket dock and alot other I found minimizing wasn't working.

But I use ultramon,,,,,

would really like to see some people rocking a mac dock bar on windows with three monitors and to shed some light, perhaps make a video on how it works for them, because I gave up unfortunately :(
Wow, those desks are amazing... I had no idea they were here in Central OH... will have to go check them out... it's only a 20min drive from here.

Oh yeah, their desks are very nice; check the wiring and sleekness of everything



Their desks have built in power strips too; makes wiring super easy and simple as well.

What company makes those desks you utilize for your set-up?
Looks like a Staples desk. My wife used to have one. Not a bad desk at the time, we got it for a like $75 with the extra filing cabinet.
Be warned berzin, these desk are of atrocious quality imo. Fairly impressed they still make them as I bought one for college in 2005. While it lasted a couple years it was anything but impressive. The long piece bows in the center (like in the picture) and any amount of water makes the plywood peel.
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hope I don't upset anyone, but I need some guidance, and I didn't want to start my own thread.

Great setups in here, though they only have me more conflicted. I'm having a hard time deciding between a large primary gaming monitor, (think a 27" or 30" monster) or one of those nice new 120hz gaming monitors. I really like the 20-30-20 PLP setups, but I've heard 120hz is the bees knees.

I have a monster system coming (dual GTX 590s), and I don't feel like 1080p will really make the most use out of my investment. I've read here a few times where people are saying they don't even bother with their big 30" monitors anymore after experiencing 120hz.

So, those who've seen both first hand, what do you prefer!? Maybe some people who have had both can chime in?

Thanks guys, (sorry to derail the thread)
Here is my new setup. Just got my new NEC P402 40" Professional LCD. Love it. Also just finished my Hackintosh in modded G5 case. Specs are I7 2600K @ 4.8Ghz, 16GB Ram, 256GB SSD, HD 6870. Monitor to the right is my 27" Samsung 275T. Sorry the pictures are so big. I tried everything to re-size them but every time I change them one of the 4 is too small or way to big.




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Here is my new setup. Just got my new NEC P402 40" Professional LCD. Love it. Also just finished my Hackintosh in modded G5 case. Specs are I7 2600K @ 4.8Ghz, 16GB Ram, 256GB SSD, HD 6870. Monitor to the right is my 27" Samsung 275T. Sorry the pictures are so big. I tried everything to re-size them but every time I change them one of the 4 is too small or way to big.


Nice. Isn't the NEC P402 a digital signage display? How's the pixel density with sitting so close a 40" 1080p display? Also, how is the input lag and refresh rate?