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Yeah I hadn't seen many pics of it being done so I went and bought the 19's on a whim last weekend for 100 dollars or so,I already had the 27.
Worked out really well.

There are a few PLP with 19-27-19 over @ WSG. 19 w/ 27 makes sense bc its much cheaper than the alternatives, and the pixels/size matches very well.
look at that usb-cd drive. that looks exactly like my usb-floppy drive, that i don't use anymore. that's scarry.:(:)
There are a few PLP with 19-27-19 over @ WSG. 19 w/ 27 makes sense bc its much cheaper than the alternatives, and the pixels/size matches very well.

The only problem with 19-27-19 is that the portrait monitors are a bit narrow for surfing comfortably. I agree it is a *LOT* cheaper and easier to acquire, but I have tested both configurations and while the main 27" monitor doesn't suffer at all against the 30" the 19" portraits are clearly inferior to the 20" in terms of size, and that doesn't even factor in that most 19" are TN while the Dell 2001FP/2007FP 20" are IPS (if you are lucky).
The only problem with 19-27-19 is that the portrait monitors are a bit narrow for surfing comfortably. I agree it is a *LOT* cheaper and easier to acquire, but I have tested both configurations and while the main 27" monitor doesn't suffer at all against the 30" the 19" portraits are clearly inferior to the 20" in terms of size, and that doesn't even factor in that most 19" are TN while the Dell 2001FP/2007FP 20" are IPS (if you are lucky).

You're absolutely correct. I used to do 3x1 1920x1200 portrait.
I'm going for 3x1 1920x1080 for gaming, 2560x1440 on the side later this month;
& 5x1 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 when the technology becomes available & more bug free.
It always gets me how a 27" 16:9 monitor seems to be very close in size to a 24" 16:10 monitor. Good looking setup mate.

Indeed they are! When it comes to resolution however it's a different story :) Sadly the LG started to die when hooked up via HDMI, so the Hazro was a nice step-up in all areas, blacks, res, and it's a bit faster since it has no scaler.

Here's my current setup, I just got the desk recently off craigslist for $40! Been meaning to post for a while after being inspired by all the setups here, just not much free time.
Here is my new favorite setup...don't judge me.. :) Might just sell my eyefinity setup, as I barely use it anymore...


Here's my current setup, I just got the desk recently off craigslist for $40! Been meaning to post for a while after being inspired by all the setups here, just not much free time.

Nice wallpaper :p

Watching 2 TI2 games at a time with that setup? sounds nice :D
Lol you better be crippled...

Not crippled at all :p

I live in pretty much in a studio apartment, with a bedroom attached to it. And the "bedroom" is my main computer room. So when I go in there, I am completely alone. I am actually hanging out with my wife more if I am in bed playing games, instead of in my room playing games. So I rather do that...I am not a normal guy, I guess...I like spending time/hanging out with my wife. :p

Usually while I am playing my games I have my headphones on one ear, so when she wants to talk to me I can hear her. :) This also gives me more freedom to play games, and I don't hear any whining that I have been playing video games all night and not spending any time with her... 2 birds one stone :D
Haha that's what gaming room's are for getting away from the annoying wife but you need to get her into video games.

Guy with laptop on the wardrobe - Dude bin all that furniture and get a desk man how can you 'stand' being at that computer.
Usually while I am playing my games I have my headphones on one ear, so when she wants to talk to me I can hear her. :) This also gives me more freedom to play games, and I don't hear any whining that I have been playing video games all night and not spending any time with her... 2 birds one stone :D

you have learned well, grasshopper.