Shuttle /micro atx cases


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2007
I've been thinking about picking up a shuttle case for my lanbox. Can anyone recommend me some good priced shuttle cases? Something with a window would be nice.
shuttle makes barebones, not cheap cases.

if you want shuttle, you gotta pay to play.
Suggest you put something in the FS/FT section here, or over at Anandtech, to see if anyone has an older case you could use, if you want a Shuttle. Oftentimes someone might have a case with a defunct motherboard, ya know? :)

Be aware (not insulting, just making certain you know) that Shuttle SFF cases are fairly case sensitive (no pun intended) about the motherboards they take.....that's why you buy a barebones, not just a case from them.
Yep, besides, whatever rig you have probably wont fit inside of a shuttle chassis even if you gutted it. Maybe in some of the newer ones, but youre still going to get stuck on the fact that they only sell barebones.
The only way you're gonna have a case the size of a Shuttle that is 'not a computer' is by going Mini-ITX. I doubt that's something you would want to do.
What about the Antec Aria? I think its a bit smaller or at least the same size as the shuttle and comes as just a case. I've used this case for over 2 years in my last build and its really light and very quiet. Don't quote me on it, but I think the chassis is aluminum instead of steel which is nice and lightweight.
Long live the NSK 1380. We made some changes to the case in response to customer input and have moved it into the New Solution line of products. It now has a 350 watt PSU that's 80PLUS® certified.
