Shuttle SN25P BIOS problem...


Nov 12, 2005
Hi this is my first post on this board and I'm hoping you guys can help out with a pretty serious issue I'm having on this new computer I'm building. Let me start off by telling you what exactly the specs are with this pc:

-Shuttle SN25P
-Athlon 64 3200+ Venice
-1GB Corsair value RAM (2x 512mb)
-eVGA nVidia GeForce 7800 GT
-Seagate 7200.8 250GB HDD
-NEC 3540A drive

The problem I'm having is with the BIOS/during POST. This has happened since day 1 of the computer being up and running. Let me just say this is strickly a BIOS problem and I have installed windows and played games just fine so far with it. What happens is when I turn on the computer anytime I am greeted by this screen:


If I hit F1 it will then load windows normally and I have no problems (within windows that is).

The main problem is if I go into BIOS and try to save anything at all (Time, Date, optimal settings, whatever) and Save&Exit the computer will hang with a black screen (no POST, nothing). At that point I have to reset the CMOS using a little switch found on the back of the shuttle at which point it will boot up giving me this screen:


I can then go into BIOS, exit without saving, and it will reboot, but of course give me the first screen that you see. This does this everytime without fail, and if I leave the computer off for a long period of time it will hang and give me a black screen forcing me to once again hit the reset CMOS button on the back.

I have tried literally everything I can think of so far...I have:

-Updated to the latest Y BIOS version...nothing
-Reverted back to the O BIOS version...nothing
-Replaced the CMOS battery...nothing
-Used the CMOS jumper on the motherboard to revert back to factory BIOS settings...nothing

And now I'm basically stuck on what to do. I fear that this is a bad motherboard and I will have to RMA it back to shuttle but I wanted to check first here to see if anyone could point me in a certain direction. This really is annoying because the computer works fine in windows, but the BIOS problem is a big deal. This computer was purchased on the 11th and the parts came in on the 14th, so this is a very new shuttle. Everything is from Newegg.
hmmm i'm not sure on what to tell you on how to fix the problem but it may sound like a bunk mobo. try asking at and see if they have help you out there. :)
I hate Beta Testing products...

You should Too!

Return it to NewEgg while you still can. It's gone beyond your responsibility. You are a better man than I... The return would be on the way by now for me... (grin)

YOU have done it all, now call and request a new one.

You will probably hear that from SFF Tech too.

I would try the following:

Flash your CMOS again with the power unplugged from the computer, remove all expansion cards and devices. Boot up your computer and see if you still get a Checksum Error, if it still occurs then it means that you probably have a bad motherboard, otherwise, it could be in one of your other devices that is causing the problem.

If you have determined that it is not your motherboard from the previous step, then go ahead and hook in one component at a time and boot up to see what device makes you encounter this error. I would also try to load fail-safe defaults as well.

Good Luck,

I am in the process of an RMA with Shuttle. I hope this goes smooth. Thanks for your input everyone.