Shuttle SN95G5 powersupply died.


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
Hi guys.
Had my Shuttle barbone system for 2 years now and sadly the powersupply isnt hodling up.. It will shut done by it self and sometimes wont start up at all.
And narowing it down to motherboard or powersuply causing my computer problems and am now using a normal ATX powersupply as im typeing and its sitting outside my shutttlebox (as its half the size of the shuttle barbone)
Im having no problems and im wondering where can i buy a new powersupply for these things?
Im seeing only 1 on internet sites but it looks like a newer one which is 1 inch wider then mine. Does anyone know where i can pick up another powersupply for my SN95G5?

damn, it restarted again on me!
Guys what can be the probelm!? My harddrive?
But if it was the hardrive then would i see the shuttle startup screen when Its trying to boot up? I thought that startup screen has nothing to do with hardrive but is there on motherboard?

So it might be a motherboard problem?
have you moved the computer recently?????
check all the connections, especially the power cord to the computer, RAM, PSU to MB.
look for shorts.
simple stuff, but obvious.
i just reinstalled pretty much everything when i tried a new powersupply.
Still having the problem but i noticed with this new powersupply or the formmated harddrive it just restarts but doesnt have problem where it wont boot up anymore.
With the original powersupply and unformmated harddrive it would crash and have problems starting up.
I knew i should have done one thing at a time. Maybe i should put old powersupply and see if when it crashes it has the problem of not booting up again. The power is there just nothing comes on screen.

Oh and i know it happens to even the smart poeple but i ashure you i know my computers and i did obviuosly look at the simple stuff first. Connections look all fine.
Long time ago i had a computer shutting off on me and strangly it was the cord from powersupply going to motherboard which was loose. Not the problem this time.