Sick of all Video Games?

I was kind of feeling the same way, but playing Witcher 3 on a 34" 21:9 montior with a 980ti totally changed the situation for me. What a refreshing experience.
Great games that needed remake, "they came from the desert". Could make the ant exterminator playable in 1st & 3rd person with open world terrain like gta. From moving around town, driving, flying, riding in 50's nostalgia in this resemblance of old movie monster "THEM!". It could come up with great storyline on sightings, encounter, mysterious attack, to full scale war and hunting the queen. I would love to drive the m48 and ram some giant ants while firing some tank rounds, mg and flamethrower.
I'm Sick of Video games totally they all offer the same things like

a. Eyestrain

b. First Person views

c. long stories that the developers don't care about.

I think part of the reason is the quality has gone done recently to the point where I don't really care about any of them. The latest and greatest on the Steam Store are just a shadow image of the great stuff put out like 10 years ago or more.

I usually go through phases, weeks gaming and then months not playing any games. As I get older, I find it harder and harder to do marathon gaming sessions but then again if a game comes along that I really get into, I can play for hours on end. Last game that really sucked me in was Mass Effect 3, never been so immersed in game until the Mass Effect series. So it's been a while... Once I build my new rig later this year I'll probably back into gaming...
i think no man's sky is gonna be the next one for me. i haven't really gamed much in the past 6 months except for the division which i'm already pretty sick of honestly. nothing that's drawn me in to the "i can't wait to get home from work so i can play this game for the rest of the day" zone.
It's time to take a break, or to switch the genre.

Gaming is, same as life, much bigger than one knows.
When I was burned out, I found SNES games brought me back. Super metroid, earthbound. Gotta play what you like, keeping up with the new can just burn you out.


I recently started using the Lakka distro to play games on SNES and N64. Load up an old school game and laugh your pants on!
Maybe OP should get into board games eh? Chess, Mahjong, Checkers heck maybe Monopoly? No eyestrain for sure.
I'm Sick of Video games totally they all offer the same things like

a. Eyestrain

b. First Person views

c. long stories that the developers don't care about.

1. Buy a better monitor if your getting eye strain on your current one. IPS and 144hz is available. That should help your eyes (not your wallet though)
2. Play other games?
3. Play other games.

There are plenty of games out there that are great. Unless you can commit a large part of your day to gaming, go back and find the games you may of missed that are now cheap. I haven't played Dead Space, Metro, GTA IV etc....I'm sure you have some that you missed and are complaining about 'current' gaming.
So basically you are older and not as enthusiastic about things as you used to be? Welcome to the world. :p

For me it was more about finding the right game and having time to play with friends. I hate playing online with randoms. Maybe find a game that you can enjoy with your friends and it will be that much more fun.
No Man's Sky might make me stop playing anything else, not that I play tons of games. Mainly SWTOR & Elite Dangerous now. Mixed in with some Civ5 & L4D2 ...

But the immersion of NMS will probably suck me in. I can see myself playing for 8 hours & not noticing.
Working a full time job in front of a computer leaves a lessened desire to then 'play' in front of a computer after work. I'll find that I'm much more motivated and excited to go cycling after work because I've been chained to a desk chair for the past 8 - 9 hrs.

I also find that I don't want to be sitting in a chair if I am going to be playing games. I hate consoles, but I'd probably do more hours gaming if I had one just due to the couch setup. That all said, adult life has its own responsibilities.

Applying for new jobs while working at a current job, trying to go out and get laid, possibly networking? Don't get me wrong, I loves me some gaming, but, it is a very marginalized thing and when you've spent the past decade inside cuz you didn't have any money to do anything else.. well maybe you should get out there and do real things after you can afford to.

Full disclaimer: I don't think I'd play many games if I had enough money for some land, and 60-80k rounds of ammo a year to shoot on it. I'd be pretty good at IDPA stuff.
I know everyone likes to tout age as part of being more picky about games, and while that may be true, I feel like the environment of video games today feels similar to the 83 video game crash (not that I expect the game market to actually crash). While the issues may not be identical, there's certainly some problems that stand out. The market is flooded with crappy games, the two big consoles are virtually identical, the nickel and dime DLC tactics are completely standard practice, Alpha and Beta games are being released as early access titles, and AAA games release with seemingly no quality control. I feel that most of the big companies no longer have a culture of making the games they want to play, rather a culture of how to make the most money possible no matter what. No passion.

There's still some quality gems available to play, but there's a lot of crap to sift through to find them.
To be honest. I feel the same way about TV as I do about games.
I go through periods where I love to game and periods where I just can't bring myself to sit there.
With TV same thing. Sometimes I go through the channels and I am just done. Why keep searching and searching to find a waste of time?

I think it is just getting old the whole waste of time thing. I mean a game has to be special to get me to lock on.
I am not just going to hump any leg. I am looking for a special leg...
Looking at all the games on Steam gives me a headache as 95% of them are garbage.
too much screen time is where everyone is in denial about the side effect of LCD monitors and TVs
+1 for the Witcher 3 taking me out of the last time I went through this phase

Yup. I actually started the Witcher 3 in Dec, left it for a few months and came back. Lost at least 40 hours of my life to it since then.
I'm in the middle of another gaming kick atm due to the Witcher 3. But the weather is getting nice again so gaming will probably take a backseat again soon.
Working a full time job in front of a computer leaves a lessened desire to then 'play' in front of a computer after work. I'll find that I'm much more motivated and excited to go cycling after work because I've been chained to a desk chair for the past 8 - 9 hrs.

Had the most opposite experience last week. Started playing FTL at work (low requirements, easy to pause, fun) last week. Came home for the weekend ready to play some more demanding games, ended up playing more FTL...

But this also is related to my earlier post, it might be worth looking outside your comfort zone, which for most people on here is probably AAA shooters (which is the specific complaint in the OP, yet there are more non FPS games then FPS games actually being released).
For me, I start to get burnt out every few years but then something re-sparks me love for gaming.
Right now, I'm having more fun than I have had in years. The Witcher, Fallout, GTA, Batman, Dark Souls, Street Fighter, Uncharted, etc. have all had some killer new versions that have made me really happy.

For FPS games, I totally dropped that genre. Unless something is a single-player game at heart (like Far Cry or Half-Life) it just isn't worth my time to play Call of Duty #684563 or whatever else.
You just seem tired of gaming. For me when I get like that, I just play Counter strike. I do not care about the game as much, it just brings out my competitive nature in me and I enjoy competing.
Looking at all the games on Steam gives me a headache as 95% of them are garbage.

I agree about 95% of them being garbage but that has been true pretty much as long as video games have existed, certainly as long as gaming has had any sort of "popularity".
1. Buy a better monitor if your getting eye strain on your current one. IPS and 144hz is available. That should help your eyes (not your wallet though)
2. Play other games?
3. Play other games.

There are plenty of games out there that are great. Unless you can commit a large part of your day to gaming, go back and find the games you may of missed that are now cheap. I haven't played Dead Space, Metro, GTA IV etc....I'm sure you have some that you missed and are complaining about 'current' gaming.

I think it's an interesting perspective that most games or game sequels now are soooo deep and sooo involved that they almost take away from the initial fun factor.

Can I play an action game without building an entire village in a sim city overview now?

Can I play that same action game without having to learn an entire vocabulary and item glossary that relates to RPG-esque gaming?

Maybe it's the fact that I no longer have 8hrs a day to play games. Maybe games are just getting too involved. Not sure which.