Sigh -- fixing an iPod


[H]F Junkie
Aug 10, 2004
So my iPod seems to be officially borked. I can't get it to work or get the computer to recognize it for a restore. I looked into getting it repaired by Apple but since it is pats six months since buying it, they want me to pay shipping and handling. How much shipping and handling? $31+!!! That's RIDICULOUS for a "free" repair. It'd be cheaper to ship myself in a crate to their factory to give them a piece of my mind!

Anyone know of a cheaper alternative? And I think this is probably because I left it in my car all the time, thought it was plugged in. Any idea how to protect it from freezing if I get a new one or get it fixed? I mainly use it in the car, so I often don't take it out.
how exactly is it broken? what have you done to try and fix it?

if you plan on keeping it a while longer, pick up apple care for $60. It'll cover any and all future shipping charges as well as a battery replacement if needed (out of warranty).
I've worked on many iPods and I would say 9 times out of 10 the sad apple icon and the other error messages don't mean bad hardware.

Post a little more about your problem and I'm sure someone can help you.

For future reference there is a great site over at iPod Garage with a great community.
OK well in it's current state it's cycling through the Apple icon, sad iPod, and sometimes it'll flash the battery with the !. It's about 10 months old. 98% of the time it's been plugged into a charger carrying a full charge while being used.

I know I've let it freeze overnight before, could that have damaged the battery?

I can't think of what to do next aside from removing the battery or something. I may bite the bullet and send in the $31 "Shipipng and Handling" charge. I would like to have an iPod in my car, that's for certain.

Anyways, I'll check out that other site.
You might have killed the battery by leaving it plugged in. The LiIon batteries like to be drained a little, charged a bit, drained some, charged alot. Leaving them at a constant state for a long time will kill them.
DeadlyAura said:
You might have killed the battery by leaving it plugged in. The LiIon batteries like to be drained a little, charged a bit, drained some, charged alot. Leaving them at a constant state for a long time will kill them.
Well that seems a bit retared

I guess at this point paying the $31 "Shipping and Handling" is my best option.

Damn Apple, I'd gladly pay shipping both ways, but $31 is enough to ship it there and back at least six times.
if you have ana pple store anyhwere near you, take it there. They'll take a look at it for free, you only have to pay the $31 if you actaully get something done (ie replacement for failing a battery test).
a vary large amount of time the problem is solved by leaving it hooked up to the wall charger for a few mins, unlugging it and then doing the manual reboot, which is hold switch on and then off, then press and hold the top of the wheel as well as the center of the wheel until it boots up, can take a few tries.
Question -- if I send it into Apple and it IS a bad battery, will they charge me an additional $99 for it? For $130, I'd rather start shopping for a new mp3 player.
if it's in warranty; the only thing it will cost you is the $31 handling fee

if it's out of warranty; the total cost to you should be around $59 plus tax

if they decide that your ipod isn't working due to physical damage, theyw ill charge you $31 and do nothing to fix the problem
My iPod is borked too, its about 2 years old and its the replacement for the first one :(

I'll have to get a new one, but I can't bring myself to buy one when the rumoured widescreen one may be around the corner, and then I gotta buy all new peripherals because which blows monkeys :mad: