Silent Clean Case


Dec 27, 2004
Any suggestions for a clean looking, prefer no doors, case that doesn't have any windows, or fancy designs and stuff. Steel or Aluminum. Also quiet is key.
I'm looking at the P180, but I was wondering if there was anything a little cheaper. Prefer <$90.
Antec SLK3000b? 43.69 shipped at Amazon . I have one, and I like it, a lot.
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The old-school Praetorian might be to your taste. Aluminum with 80mm fans. If you swap out the included case fans with Nexus 80mm, it wouldn't be too bad. It's around $110-120 though.
i second the preatorian, just picked one up, very clean look and awesome quality
just built a pc with a centurion for my parents. very nice case, although the 380w psu fan can be a little on the loud side.
I have had a lot of luck with this case:

I am amazed at how absolutely silent the LX-6A19 is. Has the same features of $100 and above cases, and all 120mmm fans with no chinsy little plastic door. You'll find a virtually identical but much more expensive clone on some of the silent pc sites. For under $60 it is a steal.