Silent(or nearly) Mice

Sep 8, 2007
I'm looking for a fairly silent mouse. I live in an apartment, and my wife is currently going to university. We enjoy listening to music together while she studies and I'm gaming, unfortunately some games require more clicking than others (Medieval 2 total war).

I posted this question in the PC gaming thread, but I got mostly recommendations that I should beat my wife or replace her. I figured I've give it a try here, hoping that the maturity level was a bit higher and that there were less angsty teens and lonely geeks.

I went to the only store I can think of that has displays(Media Markt), but all the mice are kept in boxes and they wouldn't let me test them. (That's German customer service for you).

Any recommendations for a decent gaming mouse that hopefully won't drive her insane? I'm hoping I won't have to spend a fortune (50-70 bucks maximum).
Well for starters my mouse is as loud as a rapest in a bush so i wouldn't recommend it but some of the razer (copper head, death adder and new one mouses look like they might be quiet, they have big rubber buttons.
go to a brick and mortar near you (futureshop is a good bet if you are actually in Canada, otherwise best buy. ) and see if you can check out a diamondback, diamondback 3g, or the MS Habu. i find my diamondback quite quiet, i think the 3G is about the same, not sure about the habu.
Germany actually...

I went to the only store I can think of that has displays(Media Markt), but all the mice are kept in boxes and they wouldn't let me test them. (That's German customer service for you).
I dont think I have ever heard of a mouse that does not make a sound when clicked.
What mouse do you use now, so we can use that as a reference point for loudness or annoyingness?
My Logitech G7 is very quiet, not loud at all when clicking. So maybe check out the G5, cheaper version non-wireless.
My Logitech G7 is very quiet, not loud at all when clicking. So maybe check out the G5, cheaper version non-wireless.

While mine isn't horribly loud, my G7 gives that audible click when you press it,
What mouse do you use now, so we can use that as a reference point for loudness or annoyingness?

Microsoft wireless mouse. :p

G5 or G7 seems to have been recommended a few times. It doesn't have to be perfectly silent, I'm just trying to minimize the annoying factor here.
I can say dont get with the mx518, I own several of these as I love the mouse, but they definitely dont count as quiet.

Or try this:

edit: typo and added comment:
Really? I guess its all a point of reference, I use it in class no problem, buts its definitely not "silent(or nearly)" imho, but I can say I love the mouse (enough to own 1 for desktop, 1 for notebook, 1 for moms computer, and 1 recommended to my aunt) :)
That was actually the exact one I was thinking of. I went into a different store and had a chance to click one. Its quite a bit quieter as my current one.