Silly issue with a new Opteron 165


Limp Gawd
Jun 25, 2003
Update: Fixed. It was the nVidia IDE driver causing it.

This is completely at stock with a fresh install of Windows.

Whenever I restart, it completely resets my OS Skin changes. I normally use 'Classic XP', but whenever I reboot, it resets it back to 'Windows XP'. I *think* it was caused by the AMD X2 driver, as when I was installing normal drivers and whatnot, I didn't have this problem. It only happened after I was having some game issues and decided to try the dual core fix.

I've never had this problem before, and aboslutely nothing has changed besides swapping my previous A64 3200+ with an Opteron 165.

Any ideas?
Uninstall the driver, reboot, and see if the skin changes again. Other than that... I can't really be of much help. It would be good to know if it is for sure the driver though.

OT: Could you tell me your first impressions going to the dual core? I am going from an A64 3200+ to either a 165 or most likely a 3800+ and was wondering what to expect.
i switch back and forth from an opteron single to an x2.. the dual core seems a bit snappier. and you can actually run 2 heavy tasks at once. you can assign dvd encode/decode to one processor and play a game on the other. i could never go back to a single core cpu now.
vanilla_guerilla said:
i could never go back to a single core cpu now.

Its so true.

Aggressor, it should be a driver issue if thats the last thing you changed/added prior to the issue.
aggressor said:
This is completely at stock with a fresh install of Windows.

Whenever I restart, it completely resets my OS Skin changes. I normally use 'Classic XP', but whenever I reboot, it resets it back to 'Windows XP'. I *think* it was caused by the AMD X2 driver, as when I was installing normal drivers and whatnot, I didn't have this problem. It only happened after I was having some game issues and decided to try the dual core fix.

I've never had this problem before, and aboslutely nothing has changed besides swapping my previous A64 3200+ with an Opteron 165.

Any ideas?

Could be corruption in the system registry. If it cannot load the correct profile, it falls back on a default profile.

What does your XP Event Viewer show in the log?
Nothing in the event viewer sticks out, it was one of the first things I checked. I uninstalled the X2 driver, and that didn't fix it. I was *not* having this specific problem before I installed the driver. I installed it to fix something else (Stuttering in CS:S) and then this started happening :(